Bomberos syndicate requests a Pierluisi que detenga contract with Luma Energy

The Puerto Rican United Bombers Union (SBUPR) has approved an Extraordinary Assembly in Isabela for a resolution in support and solidarity with employees of the Puerto Rican Electricity Authority (AEE), affected by the Energy Port of LUM, LLC for the administration of this public corporation, inform this March José Tirado, President of the union.

In the resolution passed by Governor Pedro Pierluisi and the Legislature, which rescinds, renounces the renewal of the LUMA Energy contract, in order to secure and retain the employees in the AEE, the rights required for decades by workers as well as the permanence of de la Industria Eléctrica y Riego (UTIER).

“UTIER has compiled men’s men and women, who have not debated, that he contributed in a sustainable way in the industrial and social development of the poor, he was present arraying his lives, stairs in posts, escalators and helicopters to great heights. “Electric energy supply to all areas of our Puerto Rico neighborhood”, indicates the resolution adopted unanimously.

For Tirado “the Governor has the responsibility to save and protect all those workers, his staff, his rights and conquests, he has served well and with much sacrifice to our people”.

“Our call to Gobierno has been circulated by public servants and has not been carried out on board the victim that AEE’s workers brought to our people during difficult times,” Tirado said in a written statement.

Ante la cercanía del Día Internacional del Trabajador, el cual se commemora el 1ro. of mayo, urgimos a que el Gobernador y la Legislatura se pongan de acuerdo en “verdediger lo nuestro por encima de los grande intereses y de los malos experimentos. “We do not believe that LUMA Energy is an enterprise for making money and us the Puerto Ricans have demonstrated the capacity, experience and strength to follow in front of large-scale catastrophes such as hurricanes, storms and pandemics”, concluded.
