Bombazo de Pedrerol with respect to the star figures of Real Madrid: ‘Uno de los dos va a llegar’ – Diez

Josep Pedrerol, director of El Chiringuito, a program specialized in exclusive exclusives on tour Barcelona y Real Madrid, it has announced and has confirmed a secure form that the Madrid joint plan has a galactic sheet for June 2021.


“Real Madrid’s objective for the time being is to file Mbappé. Madrid are dependent on Messi’s case, then Messi will be in Barcelona, ​​Madrid will create that it is possible to file Mbappé in the final of this while the PSG will not be able to start, the only option is that the PSG will not be able to pay the three stars (Neymar, Mbappé and Messi) “, comienza diciendo el tan conocido Pedrerol.

Luego añade. “In this case Real Madrid enters into action … because the PSG directs the Madrid ‘Tengo a Mbappé’, a form of hablar … because the PSG did not want to have a player who does not want to renovate”.

Asimismo, the periodical advised that Florentino Pérez has not had a successful offer for the services of the 2018 World Cup, since the arcs of the Spanish team are a bit delicate on the topic of the pandemic and the remodeling of the Bernabéu.

“Real Madrid can not do a barbarism, they will pay more than 150 million euros, they will not pay by Mbappé, it is clear, if PSG wants to sell, Madrid will pay Mbappé a last resort, which hopes to “(in order to sell for free), it is not easy to increase the price because the player wants to sell this time; Mbappé did not renew with the PSG hope for Real Madrid and Madrid do not have an offer because he hopes for Leo Messi”, assegura .

Josep Pedrerol would like to inform you that the team is currently being guided by Zinedine Zidane will have at least one Rimbombante card in June of 2021 and will carpet the unique two, currently, son Mbappé, as the first option, and if not, then you have to recreate the Erling Haaland.

“Real Madrid have made it clear that the final of the season will have fichajes. The time that has come to sell players and fichar, hay that fichar a star and has two players, one is Mbappé and the other is Haaland, if Mbappé is no league, Madrid “I want to go to Haaland. I’m going to have it all right, I’m posting that on 30 June Mbappé or Llega Haaland, but one of the two will play in Real Madrid.
