Boehner reveals why he will not withdraw from Cruz’s feud: ‘I just decided, screw Ted Cruz’

Former House Speaker John Boehner unveiled the reason for his public outcry to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in an extensive interview on Special Report Tuesday.

“The man was always causing problems with some knuckleheads in my caucus,” Boehner told Special Report presenter Bret Baier.

Boehner explained that while he got along well with most of his Republican colleagues during his time on Capitol Hill, there were about ’30 of them who were not conservative – I’m a Conservative Republican – they were knuckleheads and Ted Cruz has come over and keeps them doing crazy things that have never had a chance to become law. ‘

“All you will do is cause trouble, and over the years I’ve just decided to screw Ted Cruz.”


Boehner made headlines earlier this week after telling Cruz to “go it alone” in a leaked recording. In a subsequent interview with CBS, Boehner explained that he did not want to ‘hit anyone’, but that he would make an exception for Cruz.

Boehner and Cruz have been trading in public since February. The senator tweeted in a tweet last weekend a penchant for Boehner for booze, claiming he proudly wears the former speaker’s “drunk, bloviate spot”.

“I think he probably picked up at nine or ten in the morning, so of course he had too much wine that day,” Cruz told the Daily Caller on Saturday. “This man is a little awkward.”

Boehner, an Ohio Republican who served as Home Speaker from 2011-2015, promoted his book “On The House: A Washington Memoir.”

The feud continued Tuesday when Cruz posted a photo of Boehner’s book – which he calls “Lucifer incarnated” – resting in his fireplace in the Senate, with a caption that reads: ‘Some smart-headed man has a copy of Boehner’s downloaded new book at my office. It’s even signed! I kept it in the right place. ‘

“I’m pretty good to most people in the book, but Ted Cruz gets the worst of it,” Boehner admitted.

Elsewhere in the interview, the former speaker revealed that he ‘still doubts’ whether the Obama administration was right with the American people over the Benghazi attack in 2012 that claimed the lives of four Americans.

“No one is going to ask you this question except here,” Baier said. “What happened? Who was responsible? Did you learn anything from the investigation, do you regret going that route?

“No, I do not do that at all,” Boehner replied, “because I still doubt what happened to Benghazi. I think Trey Gowdy and his committee did just as well in their task, given the information they may receive. , but I know what, there are questions about this that bother me, because I’m not at all sure that not everything could be done to save the lives of the Americans who died. ‘

At a later stage in the interview, Boehner reflected on his career and admitted that his “biggest disappointment” during his time in Congress was no longer doing to reduce the US deficit, which required direct consultation with the Obama administration. .


“I wish we could get there,” he told Baier. “We would have put America on a path forward, but it did not happen … but we have reduced the backlog five years in a row.

‘While I was a speaker, Barack Obama was president and Harry Reid [Senate] Majority leader for most of the time, so there is a way to deal with the expense issue, but at some point you have to pay the piper.
