Body weight, ‘bad’ cholesterol, new risk factors for Covid

Body weight, 'bad' cholesterol, new risk factors for Covid

Maintaining a healthy body weight and raising HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol levels can help lower the risk of Covid-19 infections, researchers say in a new study.

Previous studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes and a high body mass index are at greater risk of experiencing hospitalizations and other serious complications related to Covid-19.

However, new research from the University of Maryland in the US has identified certain lifestyle factors such as body weight and cholesterol as new risk factors for Covid-19.

“Our findings suggest some healthy measures people can take to potentially reduce their risk of Covid-19 infection,” said Charles Hong, a professor of medicine at the University’s School of Medicine.

“Body weight control is very important during this time, and measures to increase HDL levels, such as regular exercise and a diet rich in monounsaturated fats such as extra virgin olive oil and avocados, can also be helpful,” Hong said. said.

The team found that people who were Covid-positive were more likely to be obese or have type 2 diabetes. They also had a greater risk of infecting symptoms, the researchers claimed.

On the other hand, those who tested negative were more likely to have a good ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and a healthy weight with a normal body mass index (BMI), the study revealed that in the magazine PLoS ONE has been published.

“It appears that certain cardiometabolic factors basically protect a person from Covid-19 infection, while others make a person more vulnerable to infection,” Hong said.

“But this study is not designed to determine what factors cause Covid-19 infections. These are statistical associations that point to the importance of a healthy functioning immune system for the protection against Covid-19 infection,” Hong added. .

For the study, the team used data from the UK Biobank of 5,00,000 UK volunteers over 40. Health factors were compared between those who tested positive for Covid-19 and those who tested negative.

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