Boca received a new offer from Pavón

The futuristic future of Cristian Pavón is an unfamiliar value. The delinquency takes place in Boca, but he has the desire to emigrate to the football of the exterior and in the near future he will be able to agree on the health of the Xeneize team.

The Galaxy is sending out a new proposal to compete with Kichan’s and services, according to the first information, to offer around 6 million dollars for 50% of its data. The conductors of the Boquense team are standing for this, but they will not take a final decision.

Mientras tanto, Miguel Ángel Russo prepares the team to debut in the Cup of the Professional League ante Gimnasia, is domingo in the Bombonera, and in the proximity will have to announce the list of convocados. Pavón, who works in kinesiology through his dolencia, was not confirmed for the shock before the Lobo.

Arma las valijas y se marcha otra vez? What, is it opera and hope for a new offer? Looking for the blue and gold t-shirt? I wonder if, at the moment, there is no concrete answer. The novelty of the market of continuous steps is written.
