Bloober Team releases new trailer for The Medium and updated computer specifications

By Stephany Nunneley, Tuesday, 19 January 2021 18:22 GMT

Bloober Team has released a new trailer for The Medium to investigate what a medium actually does.

The new video for The medium is the second in Bloober Team’s premonition video series, which sheds light on how the psychological horror title plays out.

The latest video titled What does a medium do? explains what it means to be a medium like Marianne, and shows some of the unique psychic abilities she can use to navigate the spirit world and unravel its mysteries.

The Medium will be released on Xbox Series X / S and PC via Steam, Epic Games Store and the Microsoft Store on January 28th. It will also release day one on Xbox Game Pass for console and computers.

Bloober Team also introduced the updated computer system requirements via a new infographic, which you can see below.

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