Black PS5 seller removes website before all buyers get refunds

A company that was allegedly ready to sell PS5 consoles with black PS2 themes looks like they will leave fans without their device and their money.

Earlier this year, we reported that a company called SUP3R5 sells Black PS5 consoles, designed with the look of a PlayStation 2.

Since many Sony gamers were not a fan of the white outer shell of the PS5, it was a dream come true – but an exclusive one. With only 304 black PS5 consoles for sale, it was a really exciting deal.

black PS5 SUP3R5
(Source: SUP3R5)

But it turns out it was also a little too good to be true. In an update to our original SUP3R5 Black PS5 article, we reported that the company had canceled all of its orders.

The manufacturers cite the reason that there were ‘credible threats to their safety’. They also claim that all buyers will receive full refunds for their products.

It now appears that this was not the case.

Was the Black PS5 Console a scam?

According to new reports, many consumers believe that the sale of Black PS5 has been a scam all along.

Despite the fact that SUP3R5 describes accusations as ‘hurtful, confusing and unfair’, some users have allegedly not yet had to repay.

And now, SUP3R5 has not only deleted its Twitter account, the website has also been completely removed.

One Reddit user reports that they are still waiting for their refund from the company, which is no longer easy to contact. Another one confirms that they received a refund, but only by reporting the matter to PayPal itself.

black PS5 scam?
(Source: SUP3R5)

A recent VGC report confirms that the user is not alone in their efforts as he has also turned to compensation through PayPal.

Read more: Is there a black PS5 console?

Previously, SUP3R5 tried to explain exactly what went wrong with its sales plan. The company hit the consumers because they insisted on a scam story, although they claim to understand their concerns:

“We think it’s perfectly reasonable to be skeptical about an operation that closed just as fast as we did. However, we have begun to see how people on Twitter and YouTube are actively pushing the scam, and some even claim to have evidence of this. ‘

How do you get a black PS5?

SUP3R5 may also return in the future, given previous statements. The company claims they will turn it on, with a quiet invitation.

However, given the SUP3R5 lack of presence at the moment, we would say it is quite unlikely.

(Source: Sony)

At the moment, there is another company claiming that it can manufacture a black, blue or even red PS5. However, this manufacturer only sells a shell from a console, rather than the device itself.

We hope this is a much safer way to get hold of the console, but you can never be too careful. There is also a new way to buy Black PS5s specifically, if you still want to throw money at the concept.

You can also do what this parent did, and have your kids color in your PS5 console for you. However, we would not recommend this option, given the previous results.

If you’re still looking for a next generation device, a great PS5 reload is taking place this week! Check back often for all the latest information as it declines.
