BioWare’s project director would like to see the legendary edition of Mass Effect on Nintendo Switch

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

In recent years, there have been constant rumors about the Mass effect trilogy remaster comes to the Nintendo Switch.

In November 2020, EA officially announced that the game will appear on Microsoft and Sony’s consoles, along with a computer release. At the time, it ended speculation about a possible Nintendo version.

Now, however, there is new hope. In an interview with our friends at Eurogamer, the director of Mass Effect’s Legendary Edition, Mac Walters, mentioned that EA and Bioware have not yet completely ruled it out.

“Personally, I would really like it. But in the end I think we had a path and it was like, let’s finish it, then we’re kind of where we are.”

The words of Eurogamer further explain how the Legendary Edition originally came ‘from the computer and existing consoles’ from the ground up, and these particular platforms remain the current focus of Bioware.

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