Bioware shares new concept artwork for Dragon Age

Dragon Age new artwork

In January, Dragon Age executive producer Christian Dailey shared some new concept art for BioWare’s upcoming Dragon Age. And today, Dailey unveiled new concept art for this RPG.

While it’s not much, I’m sure Dragon Age fans will take something these days. So yes, go ahead and look at the following artworks.

From what we know so far, this new Dragon Age will have no multiplayer, and will be a single player only. Here is also the description of the game:

‘The world of Dragon Age needs a new hero – someone who can take on the evil forces that threaten Thedas. First look at some of the new places you will discover and the factions fighting on your side in the next chapter of Dragon Age. ”

Stay tuned for more!

Dragon Age new artwork

John Papadopoulos

John Papadopoulos

John is the founder and editor-in-chief of DSOGaming. He is a computer game supporter and supports the modding and indie communities a lot. Before John created DSOGaming, he worked on numerous gaming sites. Although he is a hardcore PC player, his game roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES one of the best consoles. The computer platform still won him over as consoles. This was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D acceleration graphics, Voodoo 2. John also wrote a higher thesis on “The Evolution of PC graphics cards”. Contact Email

BioWareDragon Age
