BioWare artist shares concepts from canceled revolver project

Illustration for the article titled BioWare Artist Shares Concepts From Canceled iRevolver / i Project

Image: Matt Rhodes / BioWare

BioWare art director Matt Rhodes spent the holiday downloading interesting concept art Revolver, a project that never saw the light of day.

Revolver wash first conceived as a follow-up to 2005s Jade Empire it went through several repetitions. The developers eventually abandoned the ancient Chinese environment for sci-fi and moved from a role-playing game for martial arts to something more open-world before the game was quietly canceled in 2009. Fortunately, there is still a lot of early concept art for the project. .

“Between 2005 and 2008 I worked on Project Revolver, ”Rhodes, whose posts were first brought to our attention Eurogamer, writes on Instagram. ‘The beginning of his life as a sequel to Jade Empire, Revolver developed and changed many times during its development. This was recently revealed in more detail in the book Bioware: Stories and secrets from 25 years of game development. To celebrate, I sifted through the archives and blew off 15 years of dust from my favorite pieces from that project. ”

BioWare has since focused almost entirely on it Mass effect and Dragon Age franchises (we are not talking about National anthem), but I can imagine a world Jade Empire was successful enough to provide a reliable third column in its portfolio.

Take a look at Rhodes’ Instagram and ArtStation pages for more information. The upload to the former is especially interesting because the captions contain a few small pieces of story.
