BioNTech warns of lack of vacancies against coronavirus during regulatory approvals demonstrations

The CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the company headquarters in Mainz, Germany, 22 Dec 2020. REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / File Photo
The CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the company headquarters in Mainz, Germany, 22 Dec 2020. REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / File Photo

BioNTech finds himself working on a fund with his company Pfizer for boost the production of his COVID-19 car, afirmaron sus fundadores, y advirtieron que habrá brechas en el suministro hasta que se implementen otros inoculantes.

The German biotechnology startup has led the career of vacancies, pero on the other hand, it was late in the European Union’s debate on the relatively slow pace of blockchain regulation and the level of pedophilia carried out by Brussels.

The retreats he caused consternation in Germany, where some regions tuvieron que temporarily close the evacuation centers after the launch of an inoculation campaign the 27th of December.

“At the moment we are not doing well, there is an appealing reason why many other vacancies are approved and we intend to fill the vacancy with our own vacancy”, Director of the Executive of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the seminar of notices Mirror in an interview.

It is hoped that the attempt by Modern is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) next year 6.

Modern home.  REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz / Archive
Modern home. REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz / Archive

The Minister of Public Health, Jens Spahn, has joined the EMA and has also Authorization for the vacancy of the Oxford and AstraZeneca University that Great Britain approves this week. The chronology of the UE for this treatment is seen as short.

Sahin confirms that the BioNTech / Pfizer fleet is using the ARN technology messenger to instruct the human immunological system to fight the coronavirus, should be able to make a start to the new recipe discovered in Gran Bretaña and that appears to be more contagious.

“We are trying our best to neutralize this variant as well, and we will do more soon”, assured.

Consulted on how to get ahead of a strong mutation, manifesto that possible series modify the vacuone following sea need inside the six weeks, although these new treatments may require additional regulatory approvals.

New planned production line

Sahin found BioNTech with his wife, Oezlem Tuereci, who is it medical director of the company. Ambos criticizes the decision of the EU to make money for many manufacturers with the expectation that it will be approved more quickly vacancies.

ARCHIVO PHOTO: A nurse prepares a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in the Hector Berlioz EHPAD (residences and day care centers) while France begins vaccination against coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  December 30, 2020. REUTERS / Charles Platiau
ARCHIVO PHOTO: A nurse prepares a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in the Hector Berlioz EHPAD (residences and day care centers) while France begins vaccination against coronavirus disease (COVID-19). December 30, 2020. REUTERS / Charles Platiau

United States Order 600 million doses of the BioNTech / Pfizer vacancy in July, while the UE hopes to reach a November deadline for the mitad de ese tamaño.

“At some point it became clear that it would not be possible to delay the peddos so quickly,” Tuereci told Spiegel. “By then it was too late to realize the posterity”, añadió.

BioNTech hopes to launch a new one in February production line of Marburg, Germany, which could produce 250 million doses in the first year of the year, dijo Sahin.

BioNTech Offices in Mainz, Germany.  REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / Archive
BioNTech Offices in Mainz, Germany. REUTERS / Ralph Orlowski / Archive

There are ongoing talks with contracted manufacturers to boost production and the need for a mayor to clarify the fines of the year, aggregate.

Sahin also assured that BioNTech would like its vacancy, which requires an alert to go around 70 degrees Celsius bajo cero, sea más facilit de manejar. A vacancy of next generation as it rises to temperatures higher altitudes will be the list of finals of the vernacular of the northern hemisphere.



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