Bill Maher, ‘real time’ presenter, closed his program on Friday night by suggesting that those who criticize the conspiracy theory QAnon and also possess or respect religious values do not have a leg to stand on.
Maher, an outspoken atheist, began his monologue by explaining what the upcoming indictment of former President Donald Trump ‘really’s about.
He claims the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a “faith-based initiative” and that Trumpism was a “Christian nationalist movement that believes Trump was literally sent from heaven to save them.”
“There’s been a lot of talk in liberal corners about how Republicans should tell their bosses who still believe the election is hampered, that they should grow up and move on and stop asking the rest of us to respect their mass delusion,” Maher said. said. his audience. “And of course it’s a mass delusion, but the uncomfortable truth here is, if your faith conviction gives the kind of exhaling respect we do here in America, you’ve already lost the argument that mass delusion is bad.”
“It’s nice to laugh at QAnon with the baby-eating lizard people and the pedophile pizza stalls, but have you read the Book of Revelation yet?” Ask Maher. “This is the Bible. This is your holy book, Christians. And they have dragons and locusts with seven heads that have the faces of people and teeth of lions and other things that you see after the guy in the park sells you bad mushrooms. . “

Bill Maher, host of ‘Real Time’ on HBO.
The HBO star then proposes the so-called ‘Jewish Space Laser’ conspiracy pushed by first-year US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., On the story of Megiddo, Israel, where, according to the Book of Revelations, he ‘ end of the world ‘will take place.
“All the armies of the world will come together and Jesus will come down on a flying horse and shoot swords out of his mouth,” Maher said, “and wage a thousand-year cosmic master battle with Satan, the Beast, and the antichrist. . ”
“It’s like ten ‘Avenger’ movies plus ten ‘Hobbit’ movies plus an evening out with Johnny Depp,” Maher said.
“Please, magical religious thinking is a virus and QAnon is just the current mutation. That’s why megachurches play QAnon videos. It’s the same basic plot. ‘Q’ is the prophet and Trump is the messiah. There’s an apocalyptic event that “There’s a titanic battle of good versus evil, and if you want good to win, then just keep checking.”
“We need to stop pretending that there is no way we will understand why the Trump mob believes in him. It’s because they’re religious! They’ve already made room in their heads – it does not make sense. When you is a QAnon fanatic, you’re also a fundamentalist Christian, they just go along like macaroni and cheese … It’s no coincidence that every senator who opposed the declaration of the Arizona ballot is an evangelical Christian. not. ‘
Maher het Sen. Excluding Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who defended his opposition to the vote by citing a poll showing that ’39 percent ‘of Americans believe the election is’ knee-jerk’ and that ‘you may not be voting’ disagree. But it is nonetheless a reality for almost half of the country. ‘
“In other words, we have no proof that the election was stolen, and you may have provable evidence that it was not, but it does not matter. It only matters that we believe it,” Maher said. “And it’s when you’re religious, that you have to respect something just because people believe it.”