bienestar dier to promote the reduction of antibiotic promoters

Each year, 700,000 people died in the antimicrobial resistance (RAM). The scientific community estimates that 10 million people will die here by 2050 for this reason.

This problem of global public health has become so critical that The OMS edited a global action plan in 2016 to combat RAM.

Its strategic objective quarter is optimize the use of antimicrobial drugs in human and animal health.

During the last 10 years, the use of antibiotics in human medicine has been reduced by 40%. And in veterinary medicine there is no exception, that 80% of the antibiotics sold in Europe in 2015 are destined for production.

Since the 1950s, the use of antibiotic promoters of food (APC) in animal nutrition has increased sanitary conditions, food bags and food efficiency of intensive peculiar exploits.

The use of RAM in human beings was first observed in Europe in 1972, which prohibited the use of tetracycline, penicillin and streptomycin in animal production.

Sweden was the first country to ban all APCs in 1986, and of 2006 the European Union announced its total ban.

Rise from it, develop and introduce alternatives, like the enzymes, acids, probiotics and probiotics, and including them essential oils, to maintain the zootechnical yield.

Sin embargo, which is obviously acceptable, any alternative choice must meet the terms of efficiency:

  • to present a clear, coherent mode of action, y
  • consistent results.


Loose essential oils is used for the most part by its bacteriostatic properties.

  • Given the cell membrane or the cytoplasmic membrane, making sure that the cellular contents are fused.

  • It can also coagulate cytoplasmic proteins, including blocking the energy metabolism of the cell.

Without embarrassment, its minimum inhibitory concentration (CIM) is very high, which impede its use in balanced foods in sufficient concentrations to obtain benefits similar to those of antibiotics in therapeutic doses.

Finally, the mode of action of the essential oils in animal nutrition is not fundamentally based on these bacteriostatic properties.

If we analyze this question more closely, we will deal with the antibiotics employed in low doses as promoters of crime.

The doses used are well-drained to produce a simple bactericidal effect. Todavía, this mode of action is seen as insufficient in both cases.

The literature on arsenic essential oils results in so many variables with respect to animal yield. Some authors observe similar effects including the best ones obtained by the APC, while others found only no effect.

In consequence, Solution manufacturers based on essential oils need to apply standardization strategies to their products and bring consistent results to satisfy animal well-being.


Given that there is no single method to demonstrate the efficiency of a product, it is accurate reunir pruebas de diversas fuentes, as indicated by continuation:

  • Experiments conducted in experimental stations that permit model and standardize the responses, although there are no very representative of the real estate complexes of the terrain.

  • Multiples in various market conditions which are representative of the different challenges and those that are related to the animals, but it is more embarrassing than questions of statistical inference.

  • A meta-analysis that provides a solid statistical analysis and that it is representative of the various challenges that exist on the ground.


Phodé have unrolled the product Oleobiotec Poultry, neurosensory solution, a mixture of essential oils with an amplitude of action spectrum, enhanced by a combination of species extracts.

This complex, restores the balance of the microbiota, sends positive signals to the large part of its microbiota-cerebro. It helps the animals to feel better and produce the best results.


The efficiency of this machine was demonstrated in 25 high-rise buildings in Europe, Canada, the United States, Latin America and Asia, containing 11 commercial stores and 14 experimental stations.

In the meta-analysis of these essays compares the weight gain and the conversion of food into small amounts under various conditions, with and without APC.

Held by the University of Laval in Canada, this work was presented during the Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association in Montreal this year (Figures 1, 2 and 3).

This meta-analysis offers a unique focus on a determining factor in the response of essential oil base products, the sanitary challenge level experimented by the animal.

Asia, the studio proposes an Index of Agudeza AL Challenge (IAD). This indicator shows the effects of Oleobiotec Poultry its most significant with a high level of sanitation challenge at the beginning of the work (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Negative correlation of the Food Conversion Index (CA) and the Disability Agenda Index (IAD)

Figure 2: los tratamientos APC and Oleobiotec Poultry Owner and similar effect in El Indice de Conversión Alimenticia (ICA)

Figure 3: los tratamientos APC en Oleobiotec Poultry and similar effect in la ganancia diaria de peso (%)

The meta-analysis also helped bepaling los product effects of product and indicators as:

  • la Ganancia Diaria de Peso (GDP), which increased a promotion of 2.8 + 0.70% (P <0.001; R2 = 65%), o

  • el Food Conversion Index (CA), which decrease in 3.6 ± 1.2% (P = 0.006; R2 = 56%).

The meta-analysis does not reveal absolutely any significant difference in the efficiency between the evaluated product and an APC.


To help animals respond more consistently to plant extracts, the products used to present a complete formulation, taking into account the various and complex challenges that the animals face.

A series solution reforzar las mezclas de aceites essenciales mediante la adición de specias que potencien claritée esta complejidad y refuercen en cerde las digestigas capacities del animal.

Thanks to these solutions, the animal wants to be the center of attention of the production and the explosive exploits are in conditions to introduce this cambio to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal nutrition, adopted by many countries.

The future of the APC is one of the most important and it is very probable that each of the most molecules is at the international level. Asian pues, lThe active origins of vegetable origin result in each of its essentials to maintain the efficiency of human exploitation, always and when these major active actions consist in the consistency of the welfare and the deprivation of the animals.
