Bielsa accusó al Lille de acosarlo antes de despedirlo

Argentine coach Marcelo Bielsa has ruled that he will be “acoustic” by the Lille directive ahead of its despot in 2017, as it is being sued by a labor tribunal in northern France.

Bielsa, the current technician of Leeds United Engels, declared this morning at a video conference in the juicie, which was shown for the first time on July 2, French media reported.

In his statement, the signal technician: “What I explain is the reason he was happy in the months of September and October, before my despair, at the end of destabilizing and empathizing with the dimension”.

Bielsa also abuses the directive of “sabotaging my management and obstructing my work, degrading my authority”.

With a long career in Argentina, Spain and France on his heels, the coach, now 65 years old, started his job at the Norteño club in July 2017, with a contract of two seasons, but was suspended in November and formally suspended in December, when the Lille marchaba penultimate in the French League.

The club, presided over by the man of Spanish-Luxembourg negotiations Gérard López, intended to demonstrate that the despise was justified (by a presumed professional negligence of Bielsa) in order not to pay the contract in its integrity.

At the same time, the technician claims that he is subscribing to the integrity of his contract, for which he is demanding 19 million euros, according to the French media.

Accused by the end of Lille, under the leadership of the French League, López sold the club a Luxembourg investment fund in December, with which he also resigned from the presidency.
