Biden’s job site will include a virtual level at the national level

Washington – The chair of the presidency of Joe Biden will include a “virtual parade in all United States” adhering to the restrictions imposed on the coronavirus crowdfunding, announcing the dominoes of the organizers.

Speaking at the January 20 jury ceremony, in front of the Capitol, Biden and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, as well as the Vice President Kamala Harris and his post passes on military elements in front of the recent, in an act in which also has great social distance. In this military tradition, Biden is known for its performance.

Biden will also receive a traditional presidential escalator with representatives from each district court, from the 15th Calle in Washington to the White House. This act also deals with social distance, “it burns in the people’s stadium and in the world the historical images of the president electo directing the Casa Blanca without attracting large crowds”, says the Presidential Inauguration Committee.

The dismantling workers in the last days will have a podium to pass the parade on the day of the changing room in front of the Casa Blanca while the Biden transition team continues to prepare for the festivities that will be virtual conquest.

“In consequence, the organizers will assimilate that implement a virtual level at the national level to” honor the United States heroes, move to the stadiums of all social classes in different states and regions, and reflect on them across the initiated a new era in the stadium ”.

The parade will be televised and will include “diverse and dynamic” presentations in the communities of all countries, including the inauguration committee. Participants will be announced in the following weeks.

“We are excited about the opportunities and opportunities that this moment presents to allow all stadiums to participate in our saga’s tradition of presidential union in the country,” said Maju Varghese, Executive Director of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, Maju Varghese.
