Biden’s CDC selection projected 500,000 COVID deaths by mid-February

Next month, the COVID-19 death toll in the US could exceed half a million, a nominee for President-elect Joe Biden’s government has warned.

Dr Rochelle Walensky, Biden’s choice to lead the disease control and prevention centers, said there would be a “dark week ahead” in the pandemic after the new administration took office.

“By mid-February, we expect half a million deaths in this country,” Walensky told CBS anchor Margaret Brennan on Sunday.

She added that Americans “still have not seen the effects of the holiday trip”, which could mean more hospitalizations and deaths.

The U.S. on Monday approached 400,000 virus-related deaths since the pandemic began.

Rochelle Walensky is the elected president Joe Biden to serve as director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.IM WATSON / AFP via Getty Images

Biden has pledged to deliver 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine within the first 100 days of his presidency as one of his top priorities.

“We have looked closely and are confident that over the next 100 days we will have enough vaccine for the 100 million doses,” Walensky said.

“This is what the president-elect promised. It will be a sturdy elevator, but we have it in us to do it. ‘
