Biden y López Obrador reaffirms EE.UU.-Mexico relationship

(CNN) – The President of the United States, Joe Biden, confirms the importance of the relationship between his country and Mexico during a virtual meeting with his Mexican homologue, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on March at Casa Blanca.

“The United States and Mexico are our strongest forces when we unite. It has a long and complicated history between our nations, which always has perfect weapons between it, but we have seen one and another power and the proposal when we cooperate and we are more secure when we work together, and we can tackle the challenges to control this pandemic, ”said Biden of the Roosevelt Sala.

Biden signaled that his second was called an extraterrestrial leader in López Obrador, and that his second encounter was virtual with a global leader, even though he said it was not an accident.

The President of the EE.UU, Joe Biden, and the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, during the virtual meeting with the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (in the pants). (Photo by Anna Moneymaker-Pool / Getty Images)

“The importance of our relationship with Mexico is vital for the North American association, which is important and paramount to all the elements of the priorities of my administration,” said Biden. He also recorded four trips to Mexico as vice president, including a donation from the current Mexican president.

“In the Obama-Biden administration, we will compromise to see Mexico as an equal, not as if it were on our frontier. Seun iguales. And what has happened in Mexico and its success has had a dramatic impact on the rest of the hemisphere, ”said Biden. “Lord President, I hope with our years of discussion today and the many forms in which we tend to work with people and societies to bring down our divided challenges.”

Biden also had personal comments lettering to mention a trip to the City of Mexico to visit the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe and a rosary that his wife, Beau, raised when he failed.

López Obrador commented on Biden’s comments on the Virgin of Guadalupe and read about the relationship between the two countries.

“I would like to thank you also for initiating the conversation of this manner, to confirm that Mexico is important for you. Is a place saludarlo. It is important that we base our good relations on a constant dialogue, a periodic dialogue. If our future relationships will be the best, ”said López Obrador.

Concoce the importance of the relationship between Mexico and EE.UU. 1:16

It is said that these countries stand alone on a single frontal front, meaning “our economies, our trade, our culture, our history and our love”.

Mientras la prisa salía de la sala, un periodista preguntó si Estados Unidos enviaría vacunas a México y el presidente Biden dijo que los dos lider iban «a hablar de eso».

The most embarrassing moon, the White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, said Biden was not considered to be part of the evacuation summit against the EE.UU coronavirus. with Mexico.
