Biden will send $ 1,400 payday loans this week

Washington, United States.

The President of the EUEU, Joe Biden, will start to send, “as soon as possible, this same end of week “ the direct pay pages 1 400 dollars a loose contributors with rent minor, in application of one of the radiating media of package package ratified by the mandate is these jueves.

“The people will start to see direct deposits a sister bank accounts is the end of week “, dijo la portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, in a press row.

Psaki explained that these first pages form part of “a primary oil “, and that “in the next few weeks” the rest of the stadium recibirán sus tjeks.

Biden has established its Jewels in the Despacho Oval the tax recovery plan of 1.9 trillion dollars, which includes these pages and receipts in the hope of the final approval of the Congress, with the aim of clearing the economic effects provoked by the pandemic.

The plan exemplifies the direct transfers of 1 400 dollars to contributors that ganen has 75,000 annual dollars and for the parejas that sums 150,000. Individual people who go between 75,000 and 80,000 will receive a help, but it will be minor.

For the first time, the dependent adults will also receive a check from 1,400 dollars, algo que no ocurrió en los otros dos packets de estimula previamente approved.

Vea: Biden company a tax credit that will boost the economy in Latin America

Behind the direct pages, is the idea that if it Gobierno pone money in bolsillos of the stadiums maintains the level of hospitality and the economy will continue to function.

The impulse rescued byr Biden will reach 900,000 million dollars that the Congress pulsated in December and 2.2 billion dollars, the mayor of the history of the country, in March 2020, both the Presidency of the Republic Donald Trump.

United States is the most golfed country by the pandemic, with more than 529,000 bankruptcies and more than 29 million cases. EFE
