Biden will reimburse entry bans for travelers from Brazil, United Kingdom and other countries

The president, Joe Biden, is reinstating the restrictions on entry into the country for people who are not citizens or resident residents who are high-profile proceedings of Brazil, United Kingdom, Ireland and good part of European countries, which indicates that the Prensa Secretariat, Jen Psaki.

It is also required that all passengers enter a negative coronavirus test before boarding an airplane from the outside, which are no.

The Trump administration has lifted the travel restrictions on these countries this past week, January 18, just two days before the power was lifted. The restrictions on entering this March.

Psaki indicates that the new Administration only the restrictions on the entry of persons will be preserved Provisions of landscapes with high risk of contact with COVID-19 and the new pieces of the virus, meaning that the sanitary precautions related to international flights are being monitored.

“Following the advice of our medical team, the Administration has no intention of levying these restrictions on 26/1. Hecho, we plan to release the public health meds on the international routes in order to encourage the COVID-19 ”propaganda, Psaki anticipated in one week.

In the plans of the new Administration also there are impressive restrictions for travelers traveling to South Africa, where a new coronavirus has appeared, indicating the dominoes with knowledge of the theme of our NBC News issue.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in Engels) say that as of January 26, there are no exceptions to the requirement that international travelers present a negative coronavirus test.

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Airline companies have the agency to make the rule more flexible for some countries with limited trial capacity.

“While there has been a continuous surge of variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in all countries of the world, there is a striking evidence of a mayor transmitting some of these variants, as well as the implications for health and evacuation,” he said. of the CDC in a communiqué. “The proofs and antiquities of the journey are a critical precaution to slow down the introduction and propagation of COVID-19 and its emerging variants”, agreed.

More information on NBC News.
