Biden wants to regress presidency classes, but must make “inversions”, says general secretary of the White House

(CNN) – The President of the United States, Joe Biden, wants the schools to open up, but he wants the Congress to make the necessary inversions in order to be able to secure personal apprenticeships, on Monday the Secretary General of the Casa Blanca, Ron Klain , read the canceled cancellations of the last hour of various school districts. A study by Gobierno indicates that the regression of nines and present classes is possible with adequate precautions.

“To say a word: money,” said Klain and Erin Burnett, CNN’s director, when asked how some public schools in all countries are located in places where private schools are open. “It is for this reason that the President of the United States is submitting a plan to the Congress, including before loading the cargo, in order to carry out the necessary inversions in order for the schools to be secure.”

Klain refers to a study published on March by the Centers for Control and Prevention of Infants of EE.UU. in which the investigators analyzed data from 17 grade 12 kindergarten classes in the Wood County, Wisconsin county, which conducted the learning in person this past season. In the studio we find cases of covid-19 more cases than in the community in general and few cases of transmission in the school. Cohorts of 11 to 20 students of the same degree level are reunited for the classes and the mortuary in closed places, where the solo students are centered on the load of the same person.

“The students in very small groups, classes of 11 or 12, guarding physical distance, in a rural area, can go to school in a safe way and the governors hiccup these inversions”, said Klain, and aggregated that “in others estados, geen hemos visto ese typo de inversiones ».

Georgia: restarts local class reactiva economía 3:19

Biden’s plan to recreate the present classes

“President Biden has submitted a plan to Congress that will ensure that the majority of our schools can be open within 100 days,” he continued. “We need the Congress to approve this plan so that we can have the kind of things that are necessary for the schools to be secure, for the masters to be safe, for the students to be safe; lamentablemente, cuesta dinero ».

Klain also defended the ambitious goal of the Biden administration to evacuate one million people by day in its first 100 days in the cargo area, including only some observers’ criticisms that the administration said were sufficiently ambitious.

“We have these days, we have increased the capacity more than ever. We are moving the most fast states with more certainty and clarity », dijo. “But there are some limitations in this process, the president has been very honest, we are inheriting a system that was built with limited capacity.”

And he added: “We trust the drug manufacturers who are synthesizers, they are the only ones who can agilize you. For this, we are increasing this, as we are doing, increasing the capacity to share the next week and the next week. We hope that the capacity will increase more in March ».

Continuous computer pirates attacking EE.UU schools. 0:43

When it comes to pressure on Biden’s comments, it’s moonshine that EE.UU hopes. If you can wake up to 1.5 million people a day, that will raise the list to approximately 500,000 more diary vacancies, and if the diary vacancies can increase by more, Klain signaled the evacuation efforts that are prevalent.

«Our goal is to reach one million, 100 days out of 100; no country in the history of the world has hecho eso, nunca ha sucedido antes, as if it is an objective quite ambitious », dijo. “Obviously, the president is pressuring us to see if we can do more than that, we can do more.” But if we take 100 million vacancies in the first 100 days, it will be a good thing that no one has any antecedents ».

Klain agrees: “Nadie is going to limit the vacancies, we are going to put vacancies in braces as we are. We believe that 100 million vacancies in 100 days is an ambitious goal. If we can do better than that, then we will do it ».

– Lauren Mascarenhas y Zachary B. Wolf, de CNN, contribute important information.
