Biden wants to open health centers and involve pharmacies to increase evacuation

As part of his national evacuation plan, the President-elect, Joe Biden, prevailed 100 health centers in communities specifically affected by the pandemic, especially those with Latin and Negro populations, in order to increase the number of people evacuated from the country.

In an event in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden delineated its five-point strategy to combat the pandemic, as part of its United States Rescue Plan, which includes a $ 1,400 economic estimate check.

[Sigue nuestra cobertura sobre la pandemia del coronavirus]

In addition to activating public spaces, such as gymnasiums and schools, in order to function as evacuation centers, Biden busca involve the pharmacies so that United States personnel can call and make a quote to receive their vacancy.

“While more people are being evacuated, while more people are recovering, more times we are going to get rid of this pandemic”, during the event.

The President electo adelantó que, supported in the Ley de Producción para la Defensa, his team identifies those companies that can produce the sums required for the evacuation, from which jeringas have protection teams.

According to Donald Trump’s Salary Administration, who for a time reserved the second dose of vacancies, Biden indicated that his Governor had a small reserve and release the majority of vacancies so that the mayor’s term of office is vacant.

Without embarrassment, there is no change in the chemist’s chronogram of the dose, the form that all the people he has vacated will be on his second injection.

El diario The Washington Post reveals the fourth century that Gobierno de Trump retained the federal holiday portion, while the administration is a liability that is the reserve of the first dose, and that there is no existing existence, and that officials of the country is federal.

It is affecting states that it hopes to duplicate the availability of vacancies, which presents an opportunity for vacancies to mayors and with pre-existing medical conditions that the mayor may impose on COVID-19.

[Éstas son las ayudas del plan de Biden: un nuevo cheque de $1,400, vacunas para todos y apoyos para trabajadores]

The evacuation plan also exemplifies a amplia information campaign, which objectively contrasts with the disarmament and discrepancy that has prevailed over vacancies, especially between Latin and Negro communities that have historically been neglected in the issue of health, in agreement with Biden.

The objective of the strategy, addition, is that Latin communities, Negroes, Indigenous people and people with disabilities do not respond to the fight against the pandemic.

The evacuation actions are taking place more urgently than informing that the new variant of coronavirus, identified by the first in the United Kingdom, could be converted into the main cepa in the United States in March 2021, following a study by the Centers of Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC, in English).

The known variant as B.1.1.7 is the dominant one in the United Kingdom, and has been detected in other 30 countries. La cepa destaca por be more transferable than others, which can result in more cases and deaths related to the COVID-19.

In addition to the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19), it will be able to provide medical attention, require an extended implementation and more rigorous public health strategies, and will increase of the population required for the control of a pandemic ”, alert the CDC.

To prevent the increase in hospitalizations and deaths in the United States, the CDC reiterates its recommendation: maintain contraception like the use of mascara, social distance and maneuvering.

[Cada 6 seis minutos muere una persona por COVID-19: así se convirtió Los Ángeles en el epicentro de la pandemia]

In this respect, Biden urges the public to wear mascarillas from the day of the inauguration until April, the week, the day, to help salvage 50,000 vidas”.

In addition to promoting total transparency about advances or cuts in the fight against the pandemic, Biden warns that its policies will have a positive effect on statistics and the lives of people.

“We are in a position to return to normalcy. Las cosas van a aempeorar antes de mejorar ”, dijo.

More information on The Washington Post.
