Biden verag on Trump’s medical controversy over Casa Blanca

Washington, United States.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, dispute over controversy Casa Blanca Medical Officer Sean Conley, criticized by dar inform equivocos around the Salute to President Donald Trump, and designed it in their place personal physician, Kevin O’Connor, inform este lunes los medios locales.

Biden es, a los 78 years, the man of more age to be president of United States, y O’Connor, quien lo ha attended since 2009, when using as Vice President, is a coronel retired from Ejército with service in Division 82 Aerotransportada, Regiment 75 of the Rangers and the Command of Special Operations of its Army.

In 2019, when the campaign is launched for the primary elections, O’Connor was loaded on Biden Physical Exam and in its information indicates that the entities aspiring to the presidential candidacy by the Democratic Party is found with “good health and vigor “.

Medical unit near the White House

El médico de la Casa Blanca has no responsibility for the health care of the President, his family and the staff of the presidential residence. Account for this with the support of a team of doctors and nurses in the Medical Unit ubicada en la planta baja del edificio.

The power of presidential medicine is, normally, a design that will not attract much public attention to the object of controversy the year passed when it was informed that Trump had contradicted the covid-19 and Conley, según él admitió, ofreció informentors porque la White House quería dar unan optimistic impression.

In May of the past year, when the covid-19 pandemic is propagated rapidly in United States, Trump affirms at a press conference that she has used hydroxychloroquina as a prophylactic medium, thanks to the help of Conley, which lie confirmed this treatment.

Vea: López Obrador is well and “strong” while fighting coronavirus, afirma ministra

In October, the White House inform that Trump and his wife, Melania, habian tenido positive results in the test for the coronavirus detection and the President was interned at the National Medical Center of Walter Reed, off Bethesda, Maryland.

During Trump’s tenure in Walter Reed, Conley, what is the rank of commander in the Marina de Guerra, dio a la prensa contradictory lig in so much about the condition of the president as ofthe treatment which is the administration.

Three days after his internship el presidente fue high altitude. EFE
