Biden team plan shakes to get coronavirus shots in US weapons | Coronavirus

The knows scientists and determined technocrats who run Joe Biden’s program to defeat Covid-19 know they’ve been given a big boost by the brilliant invention in record time of multiple coronavirus vaccinations.

In addition to two vaccines already approved for emergency use in the United States, “it is very likely that there will be as many as three others in the next three months,” said Wayne Koff, an outside expert and president of the Human Vaccines Project. , said. .

The United States is thus well on its way to producing more than enough coronavirus vaccine to immunize the population in a time frame that many would have thought impossible one year ago.

But while Biden is preparing to take over the presidency on Wednesday, and his team is preparing to radically expand the national vaccination project, officials warn that a failure by the Donald Trump administration to plan adequately for the distribution and administration of vaccines, the waste threatens. the benefit gained through rapid vaccine development.

Biden advisers also warn that as fast as vaccine development moves, the virus is also accelerating, with at least three variants taking root worldwide, and the looming prospect in the US of such an explosion of coronavirus cases that no vaccine administration program can keep up not.

“What Operation Warp Speed ​​did was that they did all this work and spent billions of dollars to get vaccines up to manufacturing status and approval, and then said, ‘Oh, the rest will just happen,'” he said. says Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s advisory board Covid-19, in his podcast as director of the Center for Research and Infectious Disease Research and Policy. Operation Warp Speed ​​was the name given to the Trump administration’s vaccination development program.

The United States has seen an incredible technological marvel in implementing these vaccines, ‘Osterholm said, but’ an incredible communication and roll-out strategy failure ‘.

The vacuum of planning for the distribution of vaccines before Biden takes office seems to be so great that the challenges ahead are basic. In recent public statements, the Biden team members focused on the who, where and why described: who gets the shots, where the shots take place, and explains why vaccination is essential for hesitant patients.

In a speech Friday in Delaware, Biden filled in some details of his plan, saying his government would set up vaccine supplies, open new vaccination sites and hire more staff while answering Americans’ basic questions about what’s in the shots. is.

President-elect Joe Biden received the second dose of a vaccine against Covid-19 in Newark, Delaware, earlier this month.
President-elect Joe Biden received the second dose of a vaccine against Covid-19 in Newark, Delaware, earlier this month. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

“One of the things that is really needed, I think, is a communication approach so that everyone understands what’s going on, what the expectations are,” Koff said. “And they understand where they are in line.”

For now, people are confused. Each state has its own rules for who is eligible for vaccination, but the guidelines sometimes contradict federal guidelines, and the number of doses allotted by Washington to states is in many cases not in line with the number of so-called “eligible” state residents.

The escalation of the confusion on Tuesday was a sudden and unforeseen shift in Trump administration guidelines that expanded the pool of eligible vaccine recipients from health care and long-term care institutions – about 24 million people in total – to someone 65 and older, plus health care essential workers and young people with pre-existing conditions – about 180 million people.

There are not yet nearly enough doses to vaccinate so many people, and no expert ever thought it would be at this stage – but the rapidly changing guidelines have created a sense of false scarcity among the public. The states of New York, Florida, California and others have seen great demand, incessant waiting in queues or by telephone and online, and the growing frustration among residents and zero available appointments in many places.

“I think it was really an unfortunate move, it certainly did not correspond to reality, and I think what we will see is that state and local health departments will still be the shock absorbers because they do not have enough doses,” he said. said Osterholm.

In other areas, excess doses have led to public calls for willing patients, and in some cases patients who did not show up spoiled doses and threw out. Hospitals and other health care facilities, already overwhelmed by Covid patients, do not have the staff to administer vaccines, while plans to set up vaccination stations elsewhere, such as in pharmacies, have not come to fruition.

As with most health care questions in America, no one is sure what health insurance will pay for or how much it will cost.

The complications led to the vaccination attempts lagging far behind. The Trump administration announced in November that by the end of the year, 20 million Americans would be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a fraction of the number – just over 1.3 million Americans – received the required two vaccine doses as of Friday.

“Right now, it’s like the Wild West, with each state doing its own thing,” Koff said.

To tame the chaos, the Biden team described an approach that is aggressive and flexible, planning to move almost all existing vaccine supplies out the door immediately, relying on manufacturers’ ability to keep up with the demand for second doses – and the distribution of strategies on a local basis.

People are queuing up waiting to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in a parking lot at Disneyland in Anaheim, California.
People are queuing up waiting to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in a parking lot at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Photo: Étienne Laurent / EPA

“The federal vaccination recommendations were very difficult to operate on the ground, very complicated,” Biden adviser Celine Gounder, a clinician and medical professor in New York, said Thursday in a forum hosted by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. . “And that’s why we need to make things simpler, whether it’s simplifying the supply chain or simplifying who’s eligible levels.”

At the unveiling of a new $ 1.9 ton Covid-19 relief proposal Thursday night, Biden asked for $ 20 billion for vaccination efforts and $ 50 billion for testing, and he reiterated his promise that shots of $ 100 million in his first 100 days would be administered in the office – number that can be administered at the current dose.

The moving parts of the Biden Plan include coordination with states on the basics of who-where-why to communicate to the public what is happening; set up vaccination sites in pharmacies, school gyms, community centers and sports stadiums and establish mobile websites for marginalized communities and recruit community members to lead outreach. It will also fund staff and resources of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the CDC, the Pentagon and the national guard, more medical staff in general, and expand genomic surveillance to detect virus variants.

Another Biden adviser, Loyce Pace, president of the Global Health Council, praised Biden’s choice of Yale medical professor Marcella Nunez-Smith to lead the effort to ensure equal access for racial and ethnic minorities to vaccines and treatments. .

“We are hopeful that this will be a central focus on the communities moving forward,” Pace told the Johns Hopkins event.

However, the hesitation of vaccines in general, and especially in some color communities, remains a concern.

“If you think about which color communities were subjected to slavery and which color communities were the victims of medical experiments, it’s mostly African Americans and indigenous communities,” Gounder said. ‘Of course you’re going to see more hesitation in those communities. And I do not think you can bulldoze through this by just educating, quote-quote. ‘

A condenser containing scales of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine was spotted at The Palace, an independent living community for the elderly, at Coral Gables in Miami, Florida.
A condenser containing scales of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine was spotted at The Palace, an independent living community for the elderly, at Coral Gables in Miami, Florida. Photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

Other key players in the Biden squad include Rochelle Walensky, designated director of CDC; Vivek Murthy, general surgeon; Covid Coordinator Jeff Zients, a veteran of the Obama administration who led the effort to correct after the site’s flawed implementation; and Deputy Coordinator Natalie Quillian, a former Boston Consulting Group partner. David Kessler, a former director of the Food and Drug Administration, was named head of vaccine science for the Covid response on Friday.

The team will take over just as the United States appears to be plaguing a new tsunami of virus cases. Covid-19 is currently the leading cause of death in the US. The daily death rate exceeded 4,000 and daily new cases affected 300,000. More than 131,000 people are currently hospitalized for Covid.

A highly contagious variant of the virus first detected in the UK has been detected in at least 11 states, and if we assume that the United States will not put in place effective isolation measures, the variant could be previously unthinkable nails in new cases , hospitalizations and deaths, according to health officials.

“The good news is that the current vaccines appear to be effective against the UK variant, and it’s really important that we do everything in our power to accelerate our current vaccination programs,” Osterholm said.

However, research on two other variants, one linked to South Africa and one linked to Brazil and Japan, to determine whether it is resistant to vaccines or medicines used for treatment has not yet been completed.

“This is a good moment,” Osterholm said.

In his speech Thursday, Biden highlighted the scale of the challenge.

“This is going to be one of the most challenging operational efforts we have ever undertaken as a nation,” he said. “We will have to move heaven and earth to get more people vaccinated.”
