Biden signs executive orders at breakneck pace

During his first ten days in office, President Biden relied heavily on executive action, far surpassing his predecessors as he worked to quickly dismantle Trump administration policies and reap key campaign promises.

Biden is unlikely to keep pace with executive orders, and he has already been scrutinized from some angles for relying on the pen after promising to seek unity and duality. Nevertheless, the initial wave of signatures reflects a new reality where presidents are increasingly turning to unilateral action in the light of Congress.

“He is going to use the levers that every president in history has used: executive actions,” said White House press secretary Jen PsakiJen PsakiPsaki expects the DHS-nominated Mayorkas to head the task force to reunite divorced families. Overnight Defense: FEMA Asks Pentagon to Help with Vaccinations | US says Taliban ‘failed to meet commitments’ | Army investigating Captain of the White Hood in White House was furious over decision to release MORE man convicted of murdering Daniel Pearl said at a briefing Thursday. “But he also feels it is important to work with Congress and not just one party – both parties – to get things done.”

However, experts warn that executive action can be challenged in court, while others can easily be overturned by a successor to another party. A good example was seen this week when Biden repealed the so-called Mexico City policy, which requires foreign groups that receive family planning from the U.S. government to agree not to deliver or promote abortions.

The policy was first announced by President Reagan in 1984 and has since been repeatedly overturned by Democratic presidents and reinstated by Republican presidents.

“There is no substitute for legislation,” said Paul Light, a professor of public service at New York University. ‘You can not build an administration on executive orders. They are facilitators, they really send a strong message, but you have to push Congress to come with you. ”

Biden signed 28 executive orders during his first ten days in office, a furious pace compared to other presidents in a comparable period. Former President TrumpDonald Trump ‘QAnon Shaman’ willing to testify in indictment, lawyer says Boebert clashes with Parkland survivor on Twitter: ‘Give your keyboard a rest, child’ Overnight Defense: FEMA asks Pentagon to help with vaccinations | US says Taliban ‘failed to meet commitments’ | Army investigating Fort Hood chaplain MORE signed seven executive orders in January 2017, former President Obama nine in January 2009 and former President George W. Bush in January 2001.

Overall, Biden has signed dozens of executive actions, which also include presidential memoranda and proclamations. But these are the commands that are considered the most powerful as it has the law and can be sued in court.

Biden’s team choreographed roll out in which he announces executive orders every day for his first week in office, focusing each time on a different policy area. The approach has enabled Biden to live up to the promises of the campaign and to signal to different constituencies that he is fulfilling their issues.

‘There are some of them that are more symbolic than substantive, and some of them are pretty low-key in terms of repealing Trump actions. Nevertheless, the precision of the implementation is sharp compared to the Trump administration, “said Andy Rudalevige, chair of the Department of Government and Legal Studies at Bowdoin College in Maine.

Biden’s actions are primarily aimed at unraveling Trump policies that Democrats see as harmful and damaging. With a brush, Biden rejoined the Paris climate agreement, halted work on the Keystone XL pipeline, reversed the ban on travel from Muslim-majority countries, and repealed Mexico City’s policy.

He also took actions of executive power that kept the most important campaign promises. On his first day in office, Biden reinforces the Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and takes additional action to require face masks on federal property and planes, trains and buses that cross state lines.

The breadth of the orders drew the expected backlash from conservatives, who accused Biden of betraying his unitary message and exceeding his presidential authority. Republicans, however, were less outspoken when Trump issued his own wave of executive orders.

But Biden’s moves have also suffered from other setbacks. The New York Times editors begged the president to “facilitate” the executive on Thursday, describing it as a “deficient substitute for legislation” that would eventually lead to instability as it could be overthrown by the next official.

White House officials were adamant that Biden’s executive action was not a substitute for legislation, but that it was intended to undo what they saw as harmful policies under the previous government and to address urgent and unprecedented crises.

Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left think tank Third Way, called the Times editorial “stupid” and said the circumstances facing Biden are unique because the country is in the midst of four crises: the pandemic , economic recession, climate change and racial injustice.

“If there are things he can do quickly to alleviate the bleeding in one of these four areas, he is going to do it, but he is very aware that he cannot do enough alone and that he needs Congress,” he said. Bennett said.

While moving unilaterally in several areas, Biden is trying to use his senate experience and relations in negotiations with Congress to get a coronavirus relief bill and other legislation underway. The success of these endeavors may well define his presidency.

Allies say Biden’s first salvo showed a tone of action and inclusivity and contrasted with the previous government, but they acknowledge that he does not want to rely on executive power alone.

“To me, what he is doing is setting the tone: I am the opposite of the previous four years,” said Moe Vela, director of government under the Obama administration and senior adviser to Biden, when he served as vice president. has. “He’s not just going to rule by executive power. I think he wanted to set the stage, set the tone and give the message. ”

Light, the professor at NYU, said it would be politically important for Biden to get a major legislative performance this year, especially if he wants a second term. If he continues to sign executive actions at the same pace next year, Light said: “a sign of impending disaster.” ‘

“He does not want to come up with anything out of this year as a major legislative achievement,” Light said.
