Biden says Trump should not receive intelligence about his “erratic behavior” | News Univision Politica

The President Joe Biden dijo el viernes por la noche que el exmandatario Donald J. Trump, do not need to receive intelligence information that is traditionally provided for the ex-presidents, and they say they can not be trusted in the debit to their “erratic behavior” including before January 6 attack in the Capitol.

It was the first time that an ex-president was excluded from the information sessions, which were held as a courtesy and in part for the moments in which a president functions as a councilor. Currently, informational sessions are offered regularly to the presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

In an interview with ‘CBS Evening News With Norah O’Donnell’, the president said that Trum podría “resbalar y decir algo”.

Biden has also been questioned about his previous comments when he called Trump a existential, peligrosa and imprudente amenaza. Biden recognizes that these are things and those that create the creation.

Sondeverbod, Biden’s object when O’Donnell questioned his age was so strong that Trump continued to receive the information.

“Simplified creo que it is not necessary to have intelligence intelligence meetings. What value does intelligence have? What impact does it have, apart from the hecko that can reshape and deceive something? “, signal.

The White House has been reviewing whether the President should receive the information, ensuring that it informs intelligence professionals.

As a matter of fact, Casa Blanca officials and political analysts expressed their support for Trump’s disclosure of classified information, which was not intended for personal gain.

“Puse, pero ne creo que vaya a sobrevivir”, dijo Biden a “CBS Evening News con Norah O’Donnell” en extractos de una interview de transmité el viernes. It is embarrassing to say that it was prepared “in a separate negotiation on the minimum wage, to lower levels”.

“Nadie should work 40 hours a week and live on the payday loan,” said Biden.

Ambassadors of the Congressional Assembly approve a resolution that prepares the scenario for the Democrats to use a conciliation process such as the “Presbyterian Reconciliation” to approve the extension of the Biden Covida 19 aid bill.

