Biden revoked Trump’s executive order that criminalized the undocumented presence | Univision Immigration News

The media also prohibits the denominations of sanitary jurisdictions and new establishments and other priorities of deportation, including the 11 million documentaries that live in the world in the Mira of the Office of Immigration and Aduanas (ICE).

“If the Executive Order 13768 of 25 January 2017 (Majority of Public Security in the Interior of the United States) is revoked,”, the new mandate has been issued, assuming the media of the high schools control of the Casa Blanca.

The Secretary of State, the General Fiscal, the Secretary of National Security (DHS), the Director of the Office of Administration and Presbytery, the Director of the Office of Personnel Administration in any other department and relevant executive agency, deberán revises any action of the Disability Compliance Agency with Executive Order 13768 and takes action, including the issue of a revised guideline, in accordance with the applicable law, which advances the policy established in section 1 of this the document.

Section 1 mentioned by Biden refers to the immigrants “he helped to fortify the families, the communities, the companies, the labor force and the economy of the United States, infusing the creative, energy and engineering countries”.

The Order adds that “the tariff to be completed complies with immigration laws and requires and establishes priorities to better serve national interests”. Indica also states that “the policy of my Administration protects the national security and frontier, aborts the humanitarian challenges on the frontier and guarantees the health and safety of the public”.

Biden also says that “we will adhere to the legal process to salvage the dignity and benefit of all families and communities” and that the new government will restore the policies and practices to complete the law of immigration and priorities “.

Who is Trump

On January 25, 2017, five days after taking control of the country, Trump signed the Orden Ejecutiva 13768 about the jurisdictions or sanitary cities. In this case, the mandate establishes new deportation priorities and decrees that the permanence has been documented and is an arrangement for public and national security.

With this move, the governing republic has unleashed the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, some established since more than a dozen decades and with no criminal penalties, in the wake of the crackdown on national emergency services.

In a few words, at the moment the Trump governor has opened the door to deport any immigrant with his or her legal permanence documents, including those with permanent legal residence (Green Card) if they do not seek naturalization (citizenship) for no to have a “good moral character”.

Trump’s priorities

The policy is based on the Decree of January 25, 2017 Standard Issue of Comparison Citizens (NTA), a document that, as explained by USCIS in this occasion, is converted into a guide to forward Form I-862 (Comparison Notification) ), all agreed with the deportation priorities of the Department of National Security (DHS).
The priorities of enemy deportations and amalgamations by Trump have been pushed into the ICE bank for the immigrant segments:

Deportation processes

In the list of priorities, the Trump-based migration policy allows a second list of cases to be included that includes legal immigrants who, for some reason, lose their permanence rights in the United States and the government estimates that , excluding a migrant benefit, will be converted into deportables.

¿Qué delitos convierten en inadmissible o deportable a un immigrant? La Sección 212 de la INA citada en la Orden Ejecutiva 13768, contains an extraction of any:

  • Hubiese was present illegally in the United States for a period of 180 days, less than 1 year ago, and has been a voluntary participant in the United States [sea o no en conformidad con la Sección 244(e)] preceded by the commencement of the proceedings under Section 235 (b) (1) or Section 240, and wanted to apply for the entry within the 3 years of the closing or rematch; o
  • She has been illegally present in the United States for one year or more, and whoever is new enough to apply for admission within 10 years of leaving the United States for extracurricular activities is inadmissible.

This section corresponds to the denomination Ley del Castigo o Ley de los 10 años y afecta a la gran de la undocumentados que se encuentran undocumentados en Estados Unidos, excepto aquellos que llevan menos 180 días sin papeles.

The plan of Biden

Democrat sources consulted by Univision News announced that President Biden will reinstate the same deportation priorities enacted by President Barack Obama on November 20, 2014.

The executive order of Biden’s executive branch has opened the door to allow those immigrants who have not yet been charged with serious misconduct due to their legal permanence in the United States.
