Biden returns homage in Washington to coronavirus victims in the wake of their investment | US Elections

This delay will be the culmination of the silence that militarized the center of Washington. The nurse Lori Marie Key sang the hymn gospel Incredible grace in the act of commemorating the deaths of the coronavirus, which this March has surpassed 400,000 in the United States. The ceremony, hosted by President Joe Biden’s inauguration committee, took place at the National Mall and marked the tone with which the Future Administration will address the pandemic, in contrast to Donald Trump’s Governor. “The unique way of sanitizing, is recording. A veces, is difficult to record, pero asi is comam sanamos. It’s important that we act as a nation, ”said the future Democrat mandate in the letter ceremony.

Between the Lincoln Monument and Washington, there are about 200,000 banners to represent the dozens of miles of stadiums that can be assisted this year by the coronavirus pandemic and the potential attack facilities. The artistic pattern mounted in the gardens of the reflecting pool is illuminated by 56 “light pillars” that symbolize the 50 States and territories of the country. “For many months now the duo has been solo, but now the country is united. We are not physically fit, but we are in the spirit “, said the future Vice President Kamala Harris in the act without publicity transmitted by current.

Cardinal Wilton Gregory noted the aggravation of the pen of those who had lost some money and had not given it to a funeral: “We will have this little expression for darling consul”. Además de cantos que devolvieron elma a un center de la ciudad enmudecido, las campaigner funerarias de la Catedral Nacional, en lo alto de la capital, sonaron 400 veces, cada una representative a 1,000 viktiim de la covid-19, una cifra negra which contributes to the global potency of the most affected countries by the virus. As a reference, in the Second World War Failure 405.399, according to the Department of Veterans Aid.

In the midst of a pandemic, with hundreds of miles of stadiums surpassing the loss of families and friends, “it is important that we honor those who have died, reflecting on what has been one of the most difficult periods in the history of the nation and we will renew our union compromise to end the pandemic and rebuild our country, ”said Pili Tobar, spokesman for the Future Mandate Inauguration Committee.

When Biden swears by President EEU’s 46 in the Capitolio’s escalations — as long as it takes weeks for a Donald Trump sympathizer — there will be a crowd of people as usual. On the other hand, the Democrat tends to face a huge banner that is being unveiled in the city where suelen will meet the citizens for the positions of ten decades. On the other hand, the artistic montage in honor of the victims of the covid-19 will be displayed. When the investor finishes, there will be no parade on the Avenida Constitution, nor the inauguration bail, nor the committee in the Capitol, all the traditions suspended by the pandemic.

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