Biden retrasa firm of migratory executive orders that include task force | Univision Immigration News

President Joe Biden posted the next week the company of a set of migratory executive orders, including the numbers of a work team included (task force) to reunite families separated separately on the front during Donald Trump’s governing body.

The spokesman for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, reiterated that the decree company was waiting for March. Biden tenien previsto hacerlo este viernes, pero et retrace de la confirmation en el Senado de Alejandro Mayorkas como secretary of the Department of National Security (DHS) motivated a change in the agenda.

Psaki also said that the Biden-sponsored work team will be led by Mayorkas and that the first lady, Jill Biden, will take part in the reunification rates.

Campaign promise

The reunification of affected families by forced divisions on the frontier in the market of Trump’s zero tolerance policy ‘has taken place officially between May and June 26, 2018. During this period, there will be 2,654 separate divorces. families with cadets, when pidieron asylum, the forms cargos criminales.

The state union signal that when a family member receives criminal cargoes, in this case by illegal entry into the country, they pass the control of the State. The problem arises when one of the progenitors resolves the judicial problem and makes it to their homes, the DHS does not have a reunification protocol.

The San Diego federal program prohibits the government from ordering the reunification of the affected families. For an investigation by the Inspector General of the DHS revealed in the year 2019 that the separations will start several months before the reconciliation by the governor and that the number of affected families will vary from miles. And quizzes are never counted because they are affected by this policy.

Anticipo of Psaki

Psaki anticipates the MSNBC cadence as the first lady as Mayorkas to draw a key on the reunification efforts of the affected families.

During the campaign, Biden led Trump’s separation policy as a “moral fallacy” and promised to establish a working group dedicated to reuniting with his nieces and nephews, many of them deportees from their homes and origins.

“I hope that ork Mayorkas, whoever hopes to be confirmed soon, will receive a paper leading to this effort, supervision, by supporter, from the Department of National Security, and we will be more than willing to share my deep feelings with my mother to abort this really horrible challenge “, said Psaki to presenter Rachel Maddow.

Daño irreparable

October of last year a Informe del Congreso revealed new details of the migration program unveiled by Trump’s governor on the front line to separate migrant families and which were kept secret for several months before being publicly announced.

The report ensures that the administration is pushing ahead with the plan, stating that it could not adequately back up separated families and advised that some minorities could never meet with their parents.

In the year 2020 Univision Notices publishes a report titled ‘Terror en la Frontera’ donde revealed that the divorce policy initiated in April 2017 was a memorandum sent by the General Tax Officers, Jeff Sessions, to the ordinance tax authorities that initiate the process of delivering criminal charges to foreigners who enter into authorization without account if venian in asylum search.

Create the expectant

Mientras el Senado prepares the audience for the nomination of Mayorkas, organizations defending the rights of immigrants urgen in the legislature accelerate the process and advise that miles of immigrants affected by Trump’s migration policy “necessary immediate solutions”.

“It is critical to take immediate action”, said Michelle Brané, director of the head of the Migrant Rights and Justice Program during a conference call.

“The people are trapped in the middle of political times. It’s important that politicians follow clear norms to protect the trapped people in the system. Deben should give priority to the implementation of policies that end Trump’s policies, “he said, referring mainly to asylum policy, which has been disarmed for the last four years.

In his vein, Margaret Cargioli, managing director of the Immigrant Defenders Law Centers, said that between the media that adopted the Biden governing body, it was guaranteed that “the cases of the immigrants going to the Immigration Court”, that the mediators of another register an atasco of 1.3 million clerks.

“The people are victims of extortion, abuse, discrimination and have no access to health or education” Coordinator (Espacio Migramte, and Tijuana).

Nana Gyamfi, executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJO), told the governing body that among the media that will be announced next week, it is allowed to enter and present its cases of asylum to families of families living in Mexico. “We need an intermediary and we have various supremacy debtors and he will have a long and prosperous long life,” he concluded.

