Biden regulates barracks manufacturing arms to release massive tires | International

The president of EE UU, Joe Biden, announced this juve that he hated the frenzy of the “epidemic” of violence generated by the arms, which is considered a “national merit”. The mandate launched a package of media that, among other things, will resume control of the sale of kits to be manufactured in small arms without serial numbers. The initiative is being produced while the most ambitious legislation — over the arms of the parliament, for example — is standing in Congress.

The party’s interests have been pushed to the point where, in the Congress, there are more immediate issues. Biden did not seem to be able to force the change of manner to be one-sided, but it took a series of initiatives that, although more limited, were at least a point of departure. In a statement at Casa Blanca, the president said he had enough “oraciones” and that he was “acting”.

On the 78th day of his presidency, the leader assumes that the debate over arms is “difficult” to maintain in the country, but as a nation, it is time to combat the discrimination of indiscriminate tyrants. The mandate was recorded between Atlanta (Georgia), March 16 (including deaths), and Boulder (Colorado) on the 22nd of the same month (10 deaths), in the United States it recorded 850 incidents with arms, in which murieron 250 persons and 500 resultaron heridas. “Basta ya, basta”, the Democrat repeated the speech during his intervention.

Nearly 40,000 people die this year in United States military victims. According to data from the North American Administration, 2020 marks a record of provocative homicides by arms in the United States, with more than 400 million people in poor housing (with a population that exceeds 330 million).

Ante the inactivity of a Congress that can not be agreed to legislate with respect, Biden announced a series of executive actions destined for specific problems. For example, first and foremost, the Administration wants to slow down the proliferation of the known as ghost guns (phantom arm), the armor of manufacturing casera. There are kits that allow you to mount, in the slightest bit of media time, a fleet of weapons — as part of a piece of pie — that can not be retrieved to display serial numbers.

The President has ordered the Department of Justice to present in 30 days a plan to “help free the increment” of this type of armament.

As a second step, the Casa Blanca filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice establishing a model called “Red Banner” (red flag) para los Estados. The objective is to allow the families or the forces of the order to apply for a judicial order that proceeds, temporarily, to the persons in crisis situation and the access to the fugitive’s arms represents a duty to them or to them.

In the third place, the President of the Democrat declared the increase in funding for initiatives aimed at reducing urban violence in the United States, with a grant for various programs valued at 5,000 million dollars (4,200 million euros) in the near future. .

Biden compromises during the campaign to take immediate action to regain control of the arms. One of the obstinate principals is the opposition of women considered to be vulgarizing the Second Amendment of the Constitution, edited in 1791, little despised by the War of Independence, and that nothing has to do with the heck of it in the calls of the Netherlands usarse hoy armas de asalto que contenen hasta 150 balas.

“Nadie needs a strong army in his hands,” said Biden, saying he had one of these days forbidding this type of military capability.

During the campaign, Biden – defending the ultranza of the road that lasted for 10 years (between 1994 and 2004) banned the use of assault weapons from the ambush of the security forces – promising to reactivate this legislation, as well as the veto on trade arms and internet.

However, the mandate is that the Congress will not act with certainty in order to succeed in its titanic work. Here are the plans of the Casa Blanca to start the legal endorsement on the land of the armed forces — as far as the DNA of the United States is concerned — legislating for an executive action on limited, important issues.

The executive actions are different from the executive orders, they are published in the agreement with the Federal Registry, they are obligatory and then the presidents have the power to dictate directives of one-sided form. The executive actions, without embarrassment, are a wake-up call from the Casa Blanca regarding a problem that occurs during the action.

New Director of Offices for Arms Control

Biden also announced that it was its candidate to lead the Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire and Explosive Arms (ATF, in English). It was led by David Chipman, an ex-veteran of this organization who in recent years has defended from the private sector major controls over the arms.

His confirmation, depending on Senado, is one of the most complicated. Since 2006, it has been necessary to approve the approval of the Chamber of Deputies for the appointment of the Director of the ATF and, since then, has always been managed by Pending Directors. In 2011, Barack Obama nominated a proponent of a Byron Todd Jones for the puesto and not ratified by the Senate until 2013 (during this period of ownership without confirmation). Since the cargo was launched in 2015, both of its successors have been confirmed.

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