Biden proposes a truck to support the documented and obedient to the asylum ban. What speed can log in?

The elective president, Joe Biden, has implemented the first day in the cargo of a series of executive orders that repeal the Donald Trump Administration’s migratory policies, as well as the migration veto and the block to seek asylum. This is a summary of the deep migration reform that will be implemented green cards intermediates to the beneficiaries of the DACA and TPS programs.

[Estos inmigrantes detenidos por ICE corrieron riesgos para su salud y sufrieron represalias]

The text of the legislative package, activists and authorities that the concoctions have revealed some of the main points that were included have not been made public.

  • Citizenship for undocumented immigrants

On its first day in the cargo, the President will announce a migration legislation that, among other things, will offer a truck to the city of this year an estimated 11 million immigrants without documents living in the United States.

Although the Mayoria of the details is known, it is prevalent that the Documented immigrants who live in the country and do not have a legal status are eligible to obtain permanent residence after five years, and that they could solicit the city after three more years. In the year plan, immigrants enter the first luster with a temporary protection status that when they are allowed to apply for a permanent residence permit, always and when planning with certain requisites such as having paid taxes and not counting against criminal penalties.

“It really represents a historic change in Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, as it recognizes that all undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States must be on a road to citizenship,” he told the news agency. The Associated Press Marielena Hincapie, Executive Director of the National Center for Justice for Immigrants, who was informed about the legislation.

It was established by one of the mayor mayors to grant legal status to immigrants in documents from 1986, when President Ronald Reagan granted citizenship to at least 3 million people.

Albert Baraka celebrates with his brother and mother the obituary of law in Lawrence, Massachusetts. AP
  • Benefits for women related to DACA

The deepest migration reform of Biden will take place green cards Intermediaries to the beneficiaries of the DACA and TPS programs will be announced this week at the end of the election by the Vice President, Kamala Harris, at the Univision chain. However, it has not yet been clarified whether it will be completed with a promise.

The new Gobierno will “reconstruct and increase to more than 200,000 dreamers that he has fundamental workers during the COVID-19 “pandemic, said Harris.

Además, the new Administration will be extended by four years to the DACA program, the one who was stabbed by Trump’s Governor. In December, a New York federal law ordered the restoration of the Action Plan for the Children in Action, agreed with DACA.

Activists defend the DACA frente a la Corte Suprema, on 12 November 2019. AP
  • Access to the asylum application on the front

Since his campaign, Biden has compromised to eliminate the protocol Quédate in Mexico (Migrant Protection Protocols, in English), which obliges asylum seekers to stay in hostile states in Mexico while waiting for the resolution of their cases before the migrant courts in the United States.

In agreement with the TRAC project of the University of Syracuse, more than 69,000 asylum seekers are on the front lines and on the ‘Quédate en México’ program.

Pese to be one of his principal promises, it is possible that the president will be late in completing.

“The chronogram is made so that, of course, we have the best and the least,” Biden said in December, according to The Washington Post. “It will probably take us six months to implement it”.

  • How can you be late?

It is not clear how quickly the media will implement which has promised. Priority issues, such as the crisis of health and the economy, as well as the failure to return to the political austerity measures implemented by Trump, could bring back the changes that are taking place.

Some similar concerns with President Barack Obama, who did not present his promising migration reform until his second term. Efforts were made to reform the immigration policy in 2007 and 2013.

According to Domingo García, President of the Latin American Citizens’ League, Biden said in a phone call with various activists that Trump’s political juiciness in the Senate could delay the discussion on migration reform more than the first 100 days of the new Administration.

In order for migration reform to take place in a divided Congress, the strategy will be approved by legislation which will serve as the basis for a larger-scale legislative project, led by Democratic Congressman Raul Ruiz on CBS News.

According to the media, a legislative proposal to the congresswoman Joaquin Castro proposes that migrant workers work in considered essential areas green cards (Permanent Residences) and suspension of deportation while in their cases resulting in migration cases.

[Biden reitera su promesa de luchar por un sistema migratorio “justo y humano”]

Although activists are celebrating how progressive the migration reform proposal is, insisting that immigration must be a priority to overcome the other challenges which will support the Biden Administration.

“We must say very clearly, all of us collectively, that there is a new administration and the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will have control over the same party, which will need to abolish immigration,” said Ramiro Cavazos, president of the United States of America. , a CBS news story. “We must take this opportunity to thank President Obama and clearly, during the last four years, the Latinos have been attacked.”

Other compromises on migration matters of the Biden team include:

More on The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and CBS News.
