Biden promises to lead the way in frontal republican countries perciben political opportunity (Analysis)

(CNN) – Joe Biden’s compromise is taking new measures to end the migration of nine migrants on the front lines while on the White House to prevent Republican attacks by a humanitarian challenge that seeks to increase its speed as president.

After weeks of negligence in the “crisis” of the crosses that swept the frontiers, the administration has an aggressive intention to calm the situation and toxic politics it has provoked in Washington.

The President said the Domino would plan to reconstruct a system that would allow potential migrants to seek refuge in their countries of origin in order to avoid the difficult journey through the traffic routes of the frontier of the United States with.

“If this is the case with these installations,” Biden said he would return to Camp Blanca from Camp David, and compromised to cross the front at the same time “at some point.”

In a new signal of political urgency of the administration, the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, participated in four Dominican political television programs, recounting the criticisms that the administration had the immigration rules when using the wreck.

“We work the 24 hours of the day, the 7 days of the week,” Mayorkas told Dana Bash of CNN on “State of the Union.” “We have suffered with the repentance increases in the past and the men and women of the Department of National Security will be exiled.”

Mayorkas denies the allegations that the Biden administration revoked some of President Donald Trump’s policies that he considered inhumane before he could list a flu.

I could not give a precise chronogram of several miles of nine podrians being transferred from the front patrol station certificates to a more adequate accommodation that is especially critical in the midst of the pandemic. Mayorkas tampoco guarantees the immediate access of the press to the interior of the frontiers of migrants, citing restrictions imposed on covid-19. The hecho of no hacerlo has doubted the promises of the new Casa Blanca of more transparency and Biden’s compromise is always at the same level as the stadiums and declares the world over the dangers of the national crisis.

The Secretariat of National Security has also been looking to counter the false assertions of the Republican critics that the new White House simply opened the front door to.

“We are raising our messages so that the people can see that they can not lie on the front. The front is closed », Mayorkas says to Bash.

LEE: Secretariat de Seguridad Nacional dobbeltsteen que la frontera está cerrada y no dio una fecha sober cuándo habra new installations for minors not accompanied

A humanitarian and political problem

In the face of the current crisis on the front, a humanitarian dilemma is facing what can happen to the ninth-graders and adolescents alone who want to enter the country. As part of a series of changes in immigration policy, the Biden administration revised a strategy of the Trump era to turn over all of the nine migrants alone on the frontier, a practice that vulnerable vulnerable people in desperate conditions in camps .

The nines, many of the young and familiar families in the United States, can now join the United States in the hope of seeking asylum. Contrary to what the Republicans claim, the front is not open to all. The Mayoria of the undocumented families and individuals who intend to crucify their loved ones.

Apart from the human context of the crisis, with miles of desperate people crying out for violence, repression and the impact of the natural disasters in Central America, the situation is escalating into a serious political problem. It’s distracting to expect Biden’s sales to reach its covid-19 savings plan of US $ 1.9 trillion and competing for the attention of the employees above the stadiums that maintain the social distance to avoid a new increase in the pandemic antes that the vacancy campaign can eliminate the infections completely.

The problem certainly occupies a large part of the first press conference of Biden the Juvenile’s Formula One, which it hopes to use to end its response to the pandemic, including its commitment to apply 100 million vacancies in its first dose. with more than one anticipation month.

The controversy over the frontier is growing over its impulse proposal and is set to erode the political space in which bipartisan migration reform could take place in Senate. Any crisis in which a supervised administration supervises the meetings is difficult for a new White House. And the destination of the nines is to receive an intermediate recorder that includes in the middle of a single pandemic in a sail and the economic recession that follows, a president can confront multiple crises simultaneously. Solo in the last few days, Biden has suffered malabarisms with the themes of a new era of covid-19, the situation of immigration and has liberated diplomatic relations in Russia with China.

Republicans believe that the crisis of migrant nieces is an opportunity to affect Biden, and Trump approved this decision to issue a statement that included various declarations in English and accused the president of converting a “national triune into a lower disaster.”

Trump, with Casa Blanca applying immigration policies that include the brutal separation of families and new migrants, many of the victims he has not been able to screen, built his career at Casa Blanca in 2016 on a tier immigration strategy. The following theme is powerful among the voters of the Republican base and offers the president the opportunity to reinstate in the political debate on a topic that Biden is vulnerable to.

Create the controversy in Washington

Casa Blanca states that the number of migrants that is on the front line will increase as long as Biden takes over the cargo. But I do not expect an increase in this tamaño, according to a CNN news release published on Saturday night in conversations with more than a dozen staff of the administration.

The number in addition has exceeded the processing points and obliged the administration to call the Federal Agency for the Emergency Management Agency to establish facilities for the care of the children. Meer as 15.000 minor migrants unaccompanied there are now custodians of the United States, according to officials.

Republicans have been pushing for the frontier crisis with travel to frontier states and alleging that Biden’s politicians have provoked an open deadline for undocumented immigrants. This is a perfect theme for the Republican Party, and it allows the party to intend to meet the new Democratic president and disregard the popular management of the pandemic.

Immigration is a pigment that regulates the divisions of the Republican Party and allows pro- and anti-Trump factions to withdraw by a single message. And with the mid-term elections coming up, illegal immigration is the best possible convocation for the Republican base.

The Leader of the House of Representatives of the Chamber of Deputies Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, recently regrouped to make demagoguery on the frontier issue, judging by the racial prejudices to suggest that the Yemenis, Sri Lankan residents and Chinese in the United States.

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2024, has ruled that members of his party are uniformly called a “Biden frontier crisis.”

“The front at the moment is open to par because the Biden administration dismantles the very effective policies of the Trump administration and the agreements we have with Mexico and other Latin American countries,” Cotton said in “Fox News Sunday.”

Katoen will find the right situation on the front. Pero the power of debate over radical immigration in the wake of an indomitable immigration, and the critics signal to the “foresters” who, according to them, do not have the right to be in the United States, except that they stipulate that the persons que huyen de la violencia u otro peligro tienen derecho ‘n buskar asilo.

The Republican of Senator, Rob Portman, did not attract any attention, and the forerunner against the immigrants for Trump’s troop would be, this is a large group of senators from the Casa Blanca bus, para la cooperación bipartidista.

However, the Ohio senator said the man was not paying attention to Biden’s ads against the people lying in front.

“I slept with people who were alone at night, men who told me they were watching what President Biden said and that Iban would come in all sorts of ways,” Portman told CBS “Face the Nation” after recording the week’s installments. pasada in Texas.

“Have fun with the nines and have fun with the messages.” And it is clear that there are now people who can come to the United States, if they can do so, if they do. Y así seguirán viniendo ».

LEE: Biden is caught up in immigration issues, while continuing the crisis of unaccompanied migrant children

Vulnerability for the President

The White House responds to critical accusations accusing the Trump administration of converting its anti-immigration bills into a fairy tale, leaving the system in disrepair. If the argument can be partially justified, no new administration can continue to blame its predecessor in a way that it has the power and hope to avoid collateral political days.

A recent CNN / SSRS survey covered immigration is a topic on which Biden is most vulnerable.

If Biden’s approval index is up 51% in mid-term satisfaction with its pandemic maneuver since the cargo was collected, only 43% of the state approval approves emissions and 49% disapproval . The inquiry took place more than two weeks ago, before clarifying the total number of events on the front.

Biden’s hopes to resolve this initial challenge now depend on the capacity of officials such as the Mayorks to open sufficient facilities to provide the nines unaccompanied by the frontier deputies constituted by the institutions of the Deputies’ offices saben que pueden afianzarse en EE.UU.

The help to the Central American states should mark the difference to alleviate the conditions that provoke the skin of the migrants. But it is probable that such solutions to the large space will change the dynamics in the short space, or that officials say that there is a high demand among the immigrants who will build during the years of Trump.

The situation also obliges the White House to balance its proposal to end the Trump administration’s policies, in cruel terms, while protecting the president from political vulnerability on the subject.

“We will not abandon our values ​​and our principles.” No vulnerable vulnerabilities not abandoned. De eso se trata », dijo Mayorkas en« State of the Union ».

«We are executing our plan. Long live. It’s difficult ».
