Biden presents family plan and golf courses for the pandemic

Washington, United States

The new president of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden presented this year with a plan to prove “economic and equitable living” for families, communities and businesses affected by the pandemic.

The instructions of the President forman part of a conjunction of medidas by an alrededor of 1.9 trillion dollars that Biden will send to Congress, where Democrats will have majority in both chambers.

The pandemic has taken place in the United States an economic crisis. “More than 10 million people are unemployed, 14 million people are trapped in their homes, 29 million adults and at least eight million are living with insecurity,” the document argues. plan unveiled by Casa Blanca.

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The Biden initiative includes instructions for the Department of Agriculture Amplifies the federal food aid programs and the Treasury Department to modify their programs in such a way that the livelihoods reach millions of people who have not received assistance since receiving it. pandemic.

“In all countries, one of each city is higher and more than one of five hundred hogares afroamericanos y latinos and the number of difficulties to obtain the committee required “, continued the announcement.

“The President Biden agrees with the Congress in order to support the additional support that all persons have, regardless of their situation, access to healthy food and facilities”, agrees.

Since the pandemic began to propagate in United States a year ago, the federal government distributed, first, a check for 1,200 dollars and the end of another 600 dollars to all the contributors, and in its proposal, Biden increased the distribution of another check for 1,400 dollars as early as the previous one. Economic difficulties of the population.

Biden application to the Department of Labor which clarifies that workers have a right, guaranteed by the federal law, to refrain from filling in tariffs “that are required to pay their salute, and that they have equal qualification to receive the subsidy by example”.

In one of the initiatives with a potential impact mayor that includes the plan, Biden proposes to increase to $ 15 per hour the federal government’s highest wage and announced that the Executive will only “assign contracts to private sector employers that pay the “Remuneration for its employees and the issuance of paid licenses for emergencies”.

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The announcement of the White House said that “in 2019, 43% of senior citizens indicated that they had less than one family member with pre-existing health conditions, and many of them had a serious mayoral risk of death or obstruction of covid-19”.

Biden “creates that workers need to have the right to be employed in safe places and that others need to choose between their salary and the health of their own and their families”.

“During the pandemic government programs he summoned the very necessary support to help tens of millions of people in the payment of mortgages, mortgages and other invoices, in order to reach the committee that needs and access to health care “, indicates the Casa Blanca.

“Sin embargo, aggrego, ese apoyo critical ne siempre llega a quienes más lo necesitan”.

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Many families have claimed that they are subject to eligibility rules that are very complicated and for this reason, for example, more than 20% of the taxes on the taxpayers have not been reported and, according to a statement mentioned in the communication, below 40% of employees in the service sector, forwarded during activity hours, receive benefits by example.

United States, the world’s most affected by the pandemic, recorded 24.6 million confirmed cases and more than 410.00 deaths after covid-19, in agreement with the Johns Hopkins University Independent Review.
