Biden presents a plan to benefit the 11 million documented first days of its Government | US Elections

President-elect Joe Biden has already proposed sending pioneering migration reform to Congress in the first days of his mandate, which exemplifies a way to increase the number of 11 million undocumented people living in the United States, including the diarrhea in the diary Los Angeles Times activists defending the rights of migrants and having talks with the transition team to prepare the plan.

This program provides access to the fastest growing groups of currently protected groups by temporary deportations: DACA (Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Allowances) and TPS, a temporary protection status different Governments have undocumented lands where they have produced wars or natural disasters like Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador, among others. In both cases, the tens of thousands of beneficiaries can live and work in the United States, but do not have access to the residence. También is also a special treaty for some immigrant workers.

According to Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director of the National Immigration Law Center Immigrant Justice Fund, one of the organizations that has been in contact with the transition team, Biden’s project and its Vice President Kamala Harris did not win the regulation with a endorsement of the application of the migration laws. With Barack Obama, for example, deportation levels record levels, has the point that in some pro-immigration sectors the puseron is the so-called ‘deportor in jefe’.

“This is a restrictive implementation of the migration law and to give the Republicans everything that the petitioner institutes mal from the principle”, verklaar Hincapié. The example project, this week marks the election of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to the Spanish Univision chain, a temporary residence for eight years for the 11 million undocumented, at the end of the days to receive the ‘green card’ or of residence. Three years later, I was able to opt for citizenship. In the case of the beneficiaries of TPS in DACA, according to Harris, tendrian direct access to the residence.

The mayor’s migration reform from Reagan’s amnesty

The migration reform proposed by Biden and Harris was taken seriously by the mayor of Ronald Reagan’s governing body, which imposed an amnesty for tens of millions of undocumented in 1986. A plan of this type should be approved by Congress, by the Democratic Mayor in the Chamber of Representatives and a Senate divided 50-50 between both parties summed up in the disposition of the Governor for saccharine before the project in a good position to prosper.

The plan has been very well received by the groups that participated in the meetings with the transition team. Héctor Sanchez Barba, director of the organization My Family Votes and Who in the Critical Passage with Biden, defined the proposal of the Administration on Migration as “the most aggressive” it has seen and implemented since that day. “It is not only the migration reform, but also the executive orders,” he said. Politico. “We are completely pleased with the immigration plan and the level of clarity,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, executive director of Care in Action.

In addition to the 11 million documented migration reforms, the President-elect has promised to honor the first day of his mandate by imposing a tax on the Donald Trump administration’s principle on some Muslim lands. Additionally, a document signed by Biden’s Cabinet Officer Roy Klain has also been used by various institutions working since the day to form a coordinated meeting to gather about 600 people who were separated on the front lines of Trump’s migration policy. in the last years and that the Gobierno will not be able to reunify.

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