Biden predicts that the EU UU rebate facility will be “well maintained” by the time | Sociedad

The president of the stadium, Joe Biden, in an auditorium of the Casa Blanca.
The president of the stadium, Joe Biden, in an auditorium of the Casa Blanca.Evan Vucci / AP

In its first week of mandate, Joe Biden wants to send warning signs about the pandemic, while continuing the numbers unfolding in the United States. The President has ensured that Monday at the Casa Blanca that within three weeks the diarrhea rhythm of diarrhea will be of a million people and that for the sake of peace the country will be “well cared for” with the aim of logging the reunion. “But before the curve drops, we will see the 600,000 deaths,” he announced. The actual number of bankruptcies exceeds the 420,000 and the 25 million million, rising to EE UU in the first phase of the pandemic affected by the pandemic.

The new Gobierno confuses that it manages 100 million vacancies within the first 100 days of Biden in the White House, but its more than one meter of space. “We believe that we will be able to administer 1.5 million doses daily and evacuate diarrhea to one million people or more in three weeks’ time,” the Democrat said in a press conference late in an auditorium. White House. We also make sure that anyone who receives a vaccine needs to be able to do this, including the children, even if they are warned that “there will be a logistical challenge that will be exacerbated” or another operation that is performed in the country.

“I am sure that in order for the government to be well cared for, there will be a retaliation”, assured the mandate, sending a message of optimism in the middle of the new pics of contagion. Scientists are working to determine the umbilical cord of coronavirus vaccine. Estimates of the percentage of the population needed to grow in order for the propagation of the virus to decrease and finally oscillate currently between 40% and 80% of the population.

In clear contrast to his predecessor, Biden incentives in every public event the use of mascara. According to its medical assessors, if in April all the citizens use the cubrebocas, they will save 50,000 lives. In a more economical, relevant area for those affected, the mandate was to negotiate the 1,400-dollar direct check amount to the families proposed, in the mark of their ambitious package of measures to combat the pandemic. and reconstruct the economy.

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