Biden plans to sue the mayor for taxes in 30 years to reform the economic recovery

The President, Joe Biden, plans to take overthe first significant increase in federal taxes since 1993, with the aim of sustaining its economic recovery program on a large scale through the coronavirus pandemic food package, according to the Bloomberg News Service.

Although Casa Blanca has received a direct impetus on wealth, as proposed by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it appears that the largest companies and individuals have been targeted, as well as the promotion of the president during his campaign, in which he was compromised. do not include taxes on women who pay less than $ 400,000 annually.

It is probable that the increase in taxes includes the derogation of some aspects of the 2017 fiscal law of President Donald Trump, which benefits the corporations and the richest, as well as the realization of other changes to make the tax code, dijeron read the familiarities with the plan to the Bloomberg agency.

[¿Ya revisó su cuenta de banco? Los cheques de $1,400 están comenzando a llegar]

You are my son some of the prophecies that is considered, according to these people, that pidieron not be numbered and that the discussions are private:

• Increase the type of corporate tax from 21% to 28%.

• Reduce fiscal preferences for step-by-step claims, such as limited liability companies or associations.

• Increase the type of tax on the income of the people who get more than 400,000 dollars.

• Amplify the impact of the tax on wealth.

• A more positive type than capital gains for people who have a minimum of one million dollars a year.

Casa Blanca’s economist, Heather Boushey, provided the news in a Bloomberg TV interview that Biden has no intention of raising taxes on people who less than $ 400,000 a year. But for “the people of the past who have benefited from this economy and have not seen it affected, have much margin to think about what type of weeds we can recover”, dijo.

[Sí, Biden propone un 40% de impuestos a las ganancias de las ventas de casas. Pero solo para los más ricos]

Different from the 1.9 trillion dollar packet of companies owned by Biden’s Jewels, the closest initiative it hopes will be a mayor will not depend solely on public debt as a source of funding. But given that each exception and tax credit has its own prerogative group that refrains, modifying the types is plagued by political risks. This helps to explain what the impacts of the 1993 reform of Bill Clinton’s distinction are between the modest modifications that have taken place since then.

For the Biden Gobierno, the changes are a one-size-fits-all opportunity to finance initiatives such as infrastructure, the climate and the increase in aid to millions of poorer people, as well as to support what the Democrats argue desigualdades en el propio sistema fiscal, and the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated.

With information from Bloomberg.
