Biden planea replaces EEUU federal government gasoline cookbooks. by electric vehicles

Presidential plans to promote ‘limpios’ cars also prevent incentives for consumers.

The President of the EE.UU, Joe Biden, announcement it is its plans to gradually eliminate the use of gasoline cars by the federal government and to introduce electric vehicles in its location.

“El Gobierno federale […] Posee a huge fleet of vehicles, which we replace with limousine electric vehicles manufactured here in EE.UU. “Workers’ jobs will create millions of jobs,” the commissioner said.

Biden firma una orden para presionar al Gobierno federal para que compre products hechos en EE.UU.

Sinembargo, Biden has not yet revealed when this process will take place, as car manufacturers will be promoting the vehicles that Gobierno will host on the initiative.

Asimismo, the presidential promise creates a system that offers incentives for consumers to change their gasoline-powered cars, the Verge portal claims.

According to the EE.UU General Services Administration, in 2019 650,000 vehicles will be integrated into the federal government fleet, which will include 245,000 civilian vehicles, 173,000 military vehicles and 225,000 rail vehicles.

Biden’s announcement is being produced as part of an effort to estimate state production. This month, the mandate firm has an executive order destined to press the Federal Government for buying more products manufactured in North American countries.
