Biden nominated a transgender woman for a high level of health

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, announced on March his nomination to occupy the post of Salud’s secretary, which will be transformed into the first transgenerally confirmed federal official confirmed by the United States Senate.

Biden elected Rachel Levine to appear as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS in English) of the United States, the President of the Transitional Office in a communiqué.

In the United States, the high charges of governing require the venue of the Senate, which will be controlled by the Democrats after Biden and the Vice President elect, Kamala Harris, take over the positions.

“Levine will bring constant leadership and the essential experience we need to help people recover from this pandemic,” Biden said.

“It is a historic and deeply qualified option to help guide the health care efforts of our administration,” he said.

Biden hereda multiple crisis in the case of the White House, the largest is the rampant coronavirus pandemic, which has covered the lives of 400,000 people in the country in the last year.

The mandate will elect to evacuate 100 million people during its first 100 days in the cargo and day that will cover miles of dollars in Congress to fund massive munitions centers.

Levine is currently Secretary of Health at the State of Pennsylvania and Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State University School of Medicine.

Biden nominated California politician Xavier Becerra as Secretary of Health. If the Senate confirms this, Becerra will convert to the first Spanish to encapsulate the HHS.
