Biden moves to the emergency agency for the large number of migrants on the frontier in Mexico | International

Some migrants who are asylum seekers in the United States permanently cross the frontier of Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), north of Mexico.
Some migrants who are asylum seekers in the United States permanently cross the frontier of Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), north of Mexico.JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ / Reuters

Joe Biden’s Administration deplores the appeals of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA, en siglas en Engels) to help increase the load of nine migrants unaccompanied on the frontier with Mexico, which has multiplied in the last week and saturated the acoustic system. The Department of National Security communicates the media, thinking for a period of 90 days, in a communication in which it states the “sale of individuals, including minor ones, in record numbers”, although they do not detail the figures.

Following dates published on Monday The New York Times, the number of children and adolescents detained tripled in the last two weeks, up to 3,250. It has also repaired the installations of the Aduanas Agency and Fronteriza Protection, which are not thought to be prepared for minor, but it is, gross mode, detention centers for adults. El Gobierno had to leave the nines with families until his case was resolved, but with the pandemic and the risks of contact the process has become complicated and, with the increase in migrants, many have been detained for more than 72 hours maxim that marks the ley.

“A frontier police center will not be located for a year,” said National Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this night in a statement. Mayorkas, which is the first Latin in the front of its Department of Immigration, recalls that the Administration is working with the Department of Health and Social Services – including distributors among families – to cover the needs of those who are minor ha wanted more difficult ”debido to the restrictions by the covid.

The migration of nine migrants who are crying out for the misery and violence of Central America is a challenge for both the Barack Obama administration and Donald Trump. Despite the fact that this last cause stupor with its policy of mano dura, which is translated into developments in power and in the separation of minor miles from its fathers, the Biden Administration promotes a more humane management. As a matter of fact, the Department of National Security has recalled that the order of “devolver” in Mexico is in place for solo adults and families.

“Now it is safe to go to the United States through irregular canals and it is particularly quiet during pandemic times,” Mayorkas said, adding: y devueltos ”. Accordance with the figures obtained is Saturday by The Washington Post, the frontier police made 100,000 arrests the last time I was in the front and this was my 130,000 turntable truck. 75% of minors are between 15 and 17 years old.

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