Biden is preparing to shake off Trump’s policies in Latin America, but why not? | News Univision América Latina

Although they have been living on another planet, it is clear that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are very different.

It is logical that the causes of the change in President Biden, who did not lose time in replanting his new policies, especially when it comes to immigration, as it will have a major impact in Latin America.

Nowadays, you can hope to hear more about Mexicans as violinists and assassins, or the need to spend millions of dollars on a “beautiful” front wall, like Trump. At the same time, the focus will be on solving the chronic problems of poverty and corruption in Central America that are causing migrants to live in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Biden’s agenda also includes themes such as the climate change climate, which, in contrast to the two major hemisphere economies in Mexico and Brazil, are led by populist presidents and defenders of its state-owned oil companies.

In addition to a drastically different approach to frontier security and immigration, experts say that the most notable differences are in the tone, with Biden leading to a more collaborative hemispheric approach, and contrasting with the national style.

Tendrá the opportunity to demonstrate at the beginning of his presidency when sea anfitrión of the Cumbre of the Americas of 2021, a reunion of state jefes every three years that it is hoped will take place in the autumn. This will be the first time that United States is the seat of the Cumbre since the inauguration in Miami in 1994.

Experimental team

Biden assumes the cargo with a great experience in Latin America and a team of proven assessors who know well the region and also know well the new president.

As such, Trump has failed and caused serious problems, and he quickly lost his temper with his foreign policy team, which was conformed to ex-emperor leaders and other military mandates that were fired or fired.

All commenced with his first Secretary of State, the executive director of petroleum, Rex Tillerson, who lasted 13 months, and his national security assessor, General Michael Flynn, who lasted less than a month and was accused (and forgiven by Trump) of to the FBI.

Biden has been selling the Senate for decades and is also serving as Vice President, as he has been the United States’ principal emissary to Latin America and the Caribbean. Made a total of 16 trips to the region.


The change of emphasis also marks an important restructuring of the bureaucracy as Biden restores the primacy of the Department of State on foreign policy. The end has come for a long time for Trump to step up in the Department of National Security and already assessor especially the Trump, Steven Miller, concocted by its controversial efforts to limit immigration.

Juan González’s appointments as director for Latin America at the National Security Council (NSC) and ex-ambassador to Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, NSC coordinator to assist on the front futuro.

Migration reform

Including the collection of cargo, Biden is developing a detailed plan to address the need for full-fledged migration reform in the United States, announcing its proposal to create a new truck with a capacity of approximately 11 million people. Legal status includes those who enter the country when they receive or receive temporary protection against deportation.

“Our migration plan allows dreamers and beneficiaries of TPS to obtain the green card of automatic means”: Kamala Harris

“It’s surprising and good to lose everything possible with the frontier, immigration and Central America the first day, Enhorabuena”, said Olson.

Biden’s retention will not only undermine Trump’s hiccup on migration issues, but will succeed Obama’s legacy

Biden has compromised to dismantle the frontier policies and asylum policies implemented by Trump, including the Permanecer program in Mexico and other agreed-upon migrants of “third countries” companies with Central American governments.

New to a migrant oil?

For now, the United States frontier will be permanently restricted, including to the legal travelers, due to the covid-19 pandemic, which quizzes in proportion to Biden a month of mealtime will establish its new frontier policies.

For Biden National Security Assessors, there are those who are in charge of the floor plan. Any increase in the frontier security of the United States for humanitarian reasons could lead to a new wave of migrants that would disrupt the immigration system.

“The new Biden regulations will be reimbursed with allegiance by the community in favor of the United States immigration, but the incentives have changed from night to month and those who are thinking of intending to cross the front” the office of the Council of the Americas in Washington, an influential business organization.

With Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua recovering from the Hurricane Eta and Iota, Biden has proposed a regional strategy of four years and 4 million dollars to address the factors that are stimulating migration.

At the moment, there are no easy solutions in short order to eliminate the pressure on migration, and the political corruption that is more than the drainage of the financial aid to the affected communities.

“The current political entourage in Honduras presents serious challenges to the United States’ external assistance programs and objectives, in particular the governance and security priorities,” said an informant recipient from the Wilson Center in Washington.

“This will create some difficult moments,” said Farnsworth, who signaled that the Democrats would correct the political risk of being accused by Trump’s parties of not protecting the front lines.

“Pero Biden did not break the fronts to all, so it was a tonteria”, aggregated.

Cuba and Venezuela

Biden’s critics, who describe it during the election campaign as a “puppet” of those who identify as radical Socialist Party members of the Democratic Party, argue that the new mandate will sanction Trump’s sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela. But the new team has already made it clear that Biden is not friends with the dictators.

As Vice President, Biden took an intimate part in President Barack Obama’s policies to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba and open ports to help the criminalization of the Isla’s private sector. As one of its most recent media outlets, Trump wanted to relocate to Cuba on a list of terrorists’ states, in large part due to its security cooperation with Nicolás Maduro’s governor in Venezuela.

Martes, Biden’s candidate for secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, said in an audience at the Senate that he supported Trump’s efforts to increase Maduro’s pressure, which he described as a “brutal dictator.”

However, it is possible that some political changes are required, and it is clear that Maduro is firing on the power, and he has two years of Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign.

These efforts “obviously did not lead to the results we needed”, said Blinken, and agreed that he was able to discuss forms of creation “an effective policy that could restore democracy in Venezuela”.

This includes “a greater and greater coordination, cooperation with peaceful ideas”, in order to burn humanitarian aid to the Venezuelans, while at the same time examining as “appointing in the most effective manner the sanctions that we actually facilitate sientan el dolor de aquellos sanctiones ”, agregó.

Well, Biden can relate some aspects of Trump’s Cuban politics, particularly with respect to the journeys and trips to Cuban Americans with families living in the island, but it is hoped that a complete overhaul of Obama’s policies, at least there are no concrete signs of reciprocity of La Habana.

New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, the new president of the Senate External Relations Committee, is also a vocal critic of the Cuba compromise.

“Biden has so many urgent causes of those who now occupy the national level that it will not host its political capital in Venezuela or Cuba,” said Farnsworth. “This will not be the first order of the day”, aggregated.

