Biden is preparing a plan to drastically reduce the number of families detained by ICE

By Julia Ainsley, Jacob Soboroff and Merritt Enright – NBC News

El Gobierno, chairman of Joe Biden, is working on a plan to reduce the close family members of immigrants through the Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), and it is familiar with the fame.

Los plan van plan todavía stand being elaborated by the Department of National Security, but practically eliminates the detention of families except in special circumstances, according to certain sources.

One of the topics being debated is who will take care of supervising the families a time when he is free to insure that he is present at the immigration auditions.

It has only 489 members of the detainees’ families detained by ICE, out of a total of 14,000 immigrants in custody who are awaiting judicial hearings or deportation.

[“Queremos una reforma robusta para los indocumentados”, dice el senador Bob Menéndez]

The objective is to reduce the number of families detenidas tanto como sea posible “, dijo una persona Familiar con las discusions,” pero llegar a cero de la noche a la manana parece inalcanzable “.

The planning plan for the majority of families entering the “alternative to detention” country, which may include a GPS monitor in the room or a program of visits with a regular storage case, will include familiar sources with the discussions.

The proponents of this option have said that it is the best way to guarantee that the families present to their judicial hearings, donde se determina si deben ser deportados o se les concede el asilo.

“It’s enough to show the incentives we want to keep in touch with the families. They are the ones who want to win”, said Rosemary Jenks, Director of Government Relations at NumbersUSA, which aims to reduce the number of immigrants entering the United States annually .

[Alex Padilla ve grandes posibilidades de un acuerdo bipartidista para aprobar la reforma migratoria]

But other activists have been pushing for alternative detention, arguing that the Mayor’s families are presenting their judicial hearings and assigning a case manager to help them transit through the system.

Although it has announced a series of executive actions directed at the migrant families, including the creation of a working group to meet with the families separated by the Donald Trump Administration, now has been talking about Biden’s plans to complete with a campaign promise to end the migration of migrant families.

In June 2019, Biden tweeted: “The children must be released from ICE detention and must be reunited with their parents immediately. It is quite simple, and no one can believe that they should say: families must be together”.

At the next one, at a closed-door reunion, Biden told legislators, many of them the Congolese caucus of Congress, that the end of family detention would be presidential.

The actual practice of detaining migrant families together comenzó bajo la Barmin Obama Administration in response to the Central American Legacy in 2014. Trump’s Governor was looking for a time when families could pass in detention a judicial pact, known as the Flores Accord, which dictated that nine immigrants should not be detained.

Los porttavoces del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en Engels) en del ICE geen svar op ‘n NBC News ante la solicitud de hacer comentarios.

[Reabre la frontera para los migrantes varados en México por el programa MPP]

This week, the Biden Governor released the last of a group of more than 360 families that has been held for 18 months by the ICE. These families have never heard of the opportunity to seek asylum because they entered the United States under Trump’s “transit ban” that bans immigrants apply for asylum if you pass by another country in which hubieran could apply.

Shalyn Fluharty, director of the Dilley Project Defense Group, working with detained immigrant families at the South Texas Family Residential Center, said the release of the families is a step in the right direction.

“At the moment, we are the only ones asking the president to do what he promised, which is to end family detention. It is not an excessive petition,” said Fluharty.

[Migrante del programa MPP celebra poder entrar a EE.UU. y relata las dificultades que pasó en México]

For families whose freedoms, life is always easy, without embarrassment. NBC News has a recent reception of the one madre y un padre haitianos que pasaron 10 months of the ICE con su hijo pequeño. Fueron were released in January and are currently on the verge of sabotage and tend to highlight the opportunity to seek asylum, given that the Trump administration is giving them a hearing.

“We are happy that we have been liberated. But, of course, we have been very difficult. We have been immersed in the pieces. In fact, we do not know how to save the future,” said the father, talking to an interpreter. Pidió will remain in the anonymous, if the subject is white of Gobierno Haiti if he is deported. “But at least now we are with our families”, dijo.
