Biden is caught up in a migratory crisis on the front lines

(CNN) –- President Joe Biden presents a recent political tension, including within his party, over his administration’s front-line strategy between the EU and the EU. and Mexico, while its officials are appealing to address the issue of rivers that cross the front lines.The policy of the front is at the center of attention this week. For one day, the leader of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, visited the front of the moon. This is the result of the votes of the Chamber of Representatives on immigration projects that are being passed on to immigrants who have been illegally trafficked to the EE.UU. when eran nines and the undocumented agricultural workers. The Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, will also testify in the Capitol El mercoles.

The issue of the frontier issues that Biden is facing is that immigration policy has become more polarized and controversial. Republicans, many of whom are following in the footsteps of President Donald Trump, are looking forward to considering the crisis as a phrase in Biden’s leadership, an example of what happened when Democrats took control of the Executive Power and abandoned plans for extension of the muro fronterizo de Trump.

Some Democrats criticize Biden’s immigration move

Some Democrats have also criticized the maneuvering approach on the part of Biden and suggested that the detention of families and children in temporary facilities is no better than the way Trump treated the migrant children during his tenure.

“We will not send the nines or divide families or arrange the nines of the mothers of the mothers” said the Democratic representative of Texas Vicente González to Abby Phillip of CNN, “but we need an order process for the migrants who califan para asylo lo soliciten en su pais de origen o en un pais vecino, o tal vez construyan un center in el sur de México donde puedan ser prosedos allí ».

More than 4,000 children have been charged with installations administered by the Frontier Patrol, which are similar to the lines, during extended periods, which do not have enough space in the rooms for adequate care.

At the end of the week, Mayorkas recruits to the Federal Agency for the Emergency Maneuver to help advance the process. The Biden administration has also decided to put an end to an agreement from the Trump era that, according to officials, disallowed with employers, such as fathers or families, to present to their husbands.

Niños migrantes geen acompañados

The repertoire has increased by only those entering the EE.UU. is being impulsed by the devastation that will be caused by major hurricanes this year, the number of victims of the coronavirus pandemic and a percussive relationship of the application of the lee.

According to the Trump administration, the frontier authorities are rehabilitating migrants, including children, after implementing a public health order related to the pandemic. While the Biden administration is very supportive of this policy for adults and families, Gobierno has adopted the position that it will allow the only children left in the EU.U., which will result in more than one federal custodian .

Decades of migrants son avistados cruzando ‘n EE.UU. 4:26

On Monday in El Paso, Texas, McCarthy discusses the number of nines that his victims of the treaty and dijo that many suffer from on the truck: «Who knows who is angry and who does not lie? All because the politics of our president has changed and they have said something different. The day that arriesgaran their lives and separates them into families ».

The Secretariat of the White House, Jen Psaki, said on Monday that the situation on the frontier between EE.UU. Mexico is a “big problem”, and describes some of the steps that the administration is taking.

“We recognize that this is a major problem. The ultimate administration gives us a dismantled and invaluable system, and as any other problem, we can do everything possible to solve it. Entones, our focus here is on the solutions », signaled during the press of the moon.

Critique of the Izquierda

But Biden’s ability to use herramines that normally could be implemented to moderate a crisis is at great risk to the critics of the Izquierdistas. The Progressives in the Capitol who for a long time abused “abolish ICE” in the past expressed their frustration with the suggestions made by the Biden administration to install installations for children, only those installations that are not related. , by his English sails).

A new map reveals the moon and first report by Politico, Representative Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, also called on the Biden administration to adopt a new executive order to “gradually eliminate contracts between ICE” and local councils .

Mexico does not clear the number of migrant workers resguarded 2:10

Given the presidency of Trump, the lines on immigration have been more pronounced between Republicans and Democrats. Bipartisan groups of workers who work for years to find integral solutions on immigration are dissatisfied with the media, and not only the Republicans who are involved in the media.

The Liberals were also frustrated with the length of the legislature in the Capitol. Following the majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, Democrats have yet to reach a consensus in the House on a full immigration process.

Immigration law project

It is hoped that the Judicial Committee of the Chamber of Deputies will consider a more large-scale immigration project in April. The Chamber will vote this week on the most important packages. One that dares immigrants to illegally enter the EE.UU. when eran nines with their fathers an opportunity to obtain citizenship, and other that reforms the programs of agricultural workers of the country.

After the stage, the members of the Chamber of Deputies were in regular contact with officials of the Biden administration.

Representative Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat from California who is a key figure of the Subcommittee on Immigration of the Judicial Committee, was interviewed last week by Mayorkas, being a Democrat assistant familiar with the conversation. CNN’s assistant told the Biden administration that Trump’s focus on the front wall is most difficult to focus on in other areas of the migration crisis, and that a series of forms of detaining migrants’ influenza is under way. frontera.

Asia is the lifeblood of migrants 3:46

Preoccupations with the Democrats of the Frontier Zone

González and Representative Verónica Escobar of Texas will express their concern over the recent crisis over the weekend.

“Geen hooi, Jake, de lo lo estamos viendo hoy es un enafafo enorme y es unacceptable” dijo Escobar a Jake Tapper de CNN en «State of the Union», «pero creo que también debemos recono que el fluid humankad que llega In our case, there is no denying that Donald Trump’s administration has not been involved in the crime, and that the consequences of dismantling all of the existing systems for dealing with humanitarianism and compassion are significant. “

González commented that EE.UU. has a “fractured immigration system” and bids the governor of Biden to “act quickly”.

“I believe that what we need is to have a plan that will not encourage the people to make this journey through Mexico, having been involved in these cartels; they are the ones who are enriched with this complicated situation that is happening on our front on, and we are in the middle of a pandemic «, González, who represents McAllen, in the front between EE.UU and Mexico.

González sent a card to the Biden administration this week requesting a meeting with the President, Mayorkas and the Internal Secretary of Health and Human Services, Norris Cochran.

“Creo that the administration is on the right truck”, assured González. “But we do not have much time. Tenemos que movernos rápido ».

Daniella Diaz and Ashley Killough from CNN contributed
