Biden immigration policy: welcome to foreigners

(CNN Español) – One of the first policies in immigration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, is to open a mayor’s apace for immigrants and, in general, to welcome foreigners.

One of its methods is to increase the number of refugees receiving the pay, which was reduced during the administration of Donald Trump. For the fiscal year 2021, which takes place from October 2020 to September 30, 2021, a limit of up to 15,000 refugees has been imposed, much to the chagrin of historically high numbers of countries.

During his presidential campaign, Biden agreed to increase this amount to 125,000 per year. The mandate has issued some decree relating to the issue of immigration and there will be many more, which will reflect a mayor’s aperture of his governing body to the foreigners.

The Deputy Director of the Council of National Policies for Immigration of the White House, Esther Olavarría, defines the objective of the decree relating to refugees during the National Conference of Alcaldin Winter, recently held.

The end, according to Olavarría, is “restoring the refugee admissions program and allowing the United States to move to its historic paper as a leader and protector of refugees.”

It is also hoped that Biden companies will have various decrees relating to immigrants who are looking to join the United States through the asylum system.

Biden’s immigration media is now available

Two weeks ago, the Department of National Security put an end to the new registrations for the “Permanence in Mexico” program, a policy of the Trump administration that passed four years ago.

The normative requirement is that migrants to Mexicans who seek asylum in Mexico have their audience in the United States. This is provocative, among other things, the establishment of campsites in conditions that are always the ideals of the other side of the front.

The White House says that the government will offer an efficient and fair asylum program, even if it does not know the perpetrators.

Biden searches with the nearest decrees to protect migrants who find themselves near their homes through an asylum system in rural areas.

It also implements a refugee assistance program for migrants from the region and allows some Central American young people to live in the United States, a policy that has been rejected by Trump, among others.

In agreement with Olavarría, Biden also undertook an executive action scheduled for another of the Trump administration’s midterm elections, among them, those who say that immigrants who have recourse to those who need to be a federal member are legal in the country.

It is hoped that the first lady, Jill Biden, will take an active part in the implementation of immigration policy, especially in the family reunification of more than 600 immigrant children who are permanently separated from their fathers.
