Biden, highlighted by the crisis in the front over a mile of immigrants

Texas, United States.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, presents a recent press release republicans for the increase of the migrant legacy, especially for minors, on the front with Mexico, a situation that the opposition qualifies as the primary crisis migration of his mandate.

The leader of the Republican minority of the Chamber of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, encounters this month a delegation of congressmen who visit the front in Texas to denounce the increase of the law of migrants.

Rubia Tabora, a 25 year old Guatemalan, cruised the frontal shape irregular off Texas with his wife of one year to reunite with his wife who lives in Virginia.

‘In my country no hay trabajo, no hay dinero “, account to the AFP the end of week. To the hecho of that Offern is in the goberno mark a difference. “I’d be married to you now,” he said.

Search for 200 irregular migrants Pass by Brownsville bus station in Texas near the front with Mexico, following local associations.

In February, 100,000 people were arrested in the front on -in the 9,457 minor unaccompanied minors, an increase of 28% due this year, according to authorities.

To make sure the flow of minorities, Alejandro Mayorkas, Chief of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the FEMA Emergency Management Agency will support the tariff of temporarily accommodate the children, in the midst of the criticisms made by the authorities about the long-term repairs in overhauled installations.

“Control line”

Increase the number of people in the frontera eis a political challenge for Biden, which seeks to return many of the politicians against the imputed immigration by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

The President democrat would like to see an ambitious migration reform in the Congress, which could have a way of life for the ciudadanía for millions of undocumented.

In Washington, the Republicans denounced that there was one “crisis” on the front lines, but the White House does not accept this rhetoric.

For the leader of the minority republican of the Chamber of Deputies, Kevin McCarthy, “this crisis is is out of control “.

Republicans say that the law of good times with the boreal vernacular increases the flow in the front. El alkdede de la locality de Uvalde, en Texas, indicating that it hopes the entrance fee 25,000 and 30,000 migrants for the temporary festival.

“In our area no estamos equipados to manage this “, indicates the edil.” Our resources are listed by the pandemic and we will meet you snow torment haas unas semanas “.

For the government of Biden, which decision suspends agreed companies by Trump as the program “Quédate en México”, which obliges asylum seekers to hope for the other side of the front, and reinstated the CAM initiative to address Central American minorities with parents legal residence in United Statess, the message is that “la front is closed “ a la irregular irregularity.

Last week, the press release of the White House admitting that there was an “enormous challenge” and a central theme for the president, but it was to use the word crisis.

“We are adopting policies to make progress towards what we perceive as a human challenge on the front“, added the executor’s port.

A migration reform

The end of week, the Democratic senator Chris Murphy defió al gobierno en la Cadena Fox News “afirmando que el presidente” heredó “del goberno de Trump a “disaster“in matters of migration and is intended to regulate a human form.

Vea: Nueva tormenta invernal azota el oeste de EEUU

For them republicans, the announcement that the Democratic president is looking for a way to get rid of citizenship11 million immigrants irregularities generate a lame effect.

Amplification of migratory reform announced by the democrats February mediates are not in the calendar of the next votes, an indication that the party leaders are not sure how to count with the necessary votes.

In the hope, the party will vote this week in the Chamber on a project to open the truck to the naturalization de los “soñadores “o” dromers “, jóvenes que llegaron cuando eran niños a Estados Unidos en kompañía de sus padres, ya los trabjadores agrícolas.
