Biden has options to pay for a higher infrastructure than a tax increase

Wind turbines and power transmission lines at a wind farm near Highway 12 in Rio Vista, California, on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

David Paul Morris | Bloomberg | Getty Images

As President Joe Biden has sought to promote the favor of his proposed corporate tax hike, the government has other ways in which it seeks to fund and fund its $ 2 billion infrastructure legislation.

Biden, for example, could decide to return to a campaign to ask the richest households in the country to contribute more to their personal income tax or to raise the federal gasoline tax.

Other financing ideas include a so-called mileage tax and better money earnings from the U.S. electricity grid. Democrats could eventually rely on a special class of bonds to fund their spending plans despite objections from the IDP and concerns about growing national debt.

Although both parties agree that the US urgently needs infrastructure restoration, the IDP has so far opposed the Biden plan to fund too many projects than critical infrastructure.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Called the U.S. Jobs Plan a “Trojan horse” for liberal policies, while others used the hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for items other than improvements to roads, bridges, airports and public transport.

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These agenda items, coupled with the $ 1.9 billion Covid-19 emergency relief package signed in March, convinced Republicans and some moderate Democrats that the White House should look for ways to pay the plan in advance with new taxes.

Partly to allay concerns about funding, Biden has introduced a “Made In America” tax plan that includes raising the corporate tax rate to 28% and removing incentives for companies to offshore factories and profits. Finance Minister Janet Yellen announced on Wednesday that the tax plan will generate about $ 2.5 billion over 15 years.

The proposal, however, amounts to a partial setback of former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts in 2017 and is already opposed to Republicans and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Those concerned about raising corporate taxes say raising the rate could hamper a fragile economic recovery and make the U.S. a less attractive place for businesses to build factories and hire workers.

In a speech on infrastructure on Wednesday, Biden rejected the concern, but said he was open to negotiations on the corporate tax rate. He will meet with Republican and Democratic lawmakers on Monday to seriously kick off the infrastructure negotiations.

“We have to pay for this,” Biden said Wednesday, noting that there are “many other ways we can do this.”

Debt financing

According to Tony Fratto, the opposition to an infrastructure plan based on cost reduction does not make much sense.

Infrastructure ‘yields an economic return, and why exactly do we limit ourselves to the concept of hurting certain parts of the economy?’ Fratto, a Treasury official in the George W. Bush administration, said Friday.

With US interest rates still historically low, Fratto argued that it would not be long before the economic benefits of faster, more efficient transportation were paid for by the government’s initial spending.

“You can make a very strong case to borrow the money and repay it over time on the expected return,” he added. “We have failed to invest in all the infrastructure needs that this country has, through this fictitious argument that it must be paid to do so.”

A study published by Wharton School this week found that Biden’s infrastructure plan would reduce US debt by 6.4% by 2050 compared to current legislation.

If lawmakers eventually develop an appetite for debt, the White House could try to raise a class of special municipal bonds, known as Build America Bonds, that would enable the state and provinces to drive debt with interest costs subsidized by the federal government.

Income tax

A possible alternative to raising corporate taxes is to adjust individual income taxes as Biden proposed during his 2020 campaign.

The then candidate Biden proposed that the highest individual income tax rate be increased to 39.6% from its current level of 37%. He also called for the capital gains rate to rise to 39.6% for taxpayers with incomes in excess of $ 1 million. Wealthy investors currently have long-term capital gains rates of up to 20%.

Despite demanding during the campaign that the richest Americans pay more than a percent of their income, Biden has yet to say when he plans to raise the income rate.

However, the president doubled in a red line in his speech on Wednesday.

“I will not impose any tax increases on people earning less than $ 400,000 a year,” Biden said. “If others there have ideas on how to pay for this investment without breaking the rule, they need to come forward. There are all kinds of opportunities.”

Tax on gas

Another possible revenue generator could be an increase in the federal government’s gas tax. The tax was last increased in 1993 and is not indexed against inflation, which means that its effective value has eroded over the past 27 years.

The federal government currently collects 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline sold in the U.S. and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel. The revenue, which amounted to $ 36.4 billion in the 2016 financial year, is used by the Federal Highway Trust Fund, which funds projects for the construction of roads and other surface transportation.

Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg told CNBC last month that the tax on gasoline could soon be an outdated mechanism for raising significant revenue as more Americans switch to electric vehicles and fuel-efficient cars.

Republican Senator Roy Blunt, a proponent of a much smaller infrastructure bill, told Fox News Sunday that funding for repairs to the country’s roads and bridges should develop over time.

“Since we have more electric vehicles, we will have to somehow find out that the electric vehicles pay their fair share,” he said Sunday. “We even have to find out in another way that driverless vehicles pay for the increased kind of monitoring that has to take place with the highway system itself.”

States have also levied their own taxes on the sale of petrol for years.

Back in 2019, Republican governors of Ohio, Alabama and Arkansas signed fuel tax increases in an effort to fund road repairs, while Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer won the 2018 election after uttering the slogan ‘Fix the Damn Roads’ has.

However, several Republican senators opposed the increase in gas taxes when former President Donald Trump wanted to push the infrastructure.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, on January 1, 2021, total state taxes and fees on gasoline averaged 30.06 cents per gallon.

Mileage tax

Instead, Buttigieg said a mileage tax could be a more attractive option for lawmakers who support the idea that consumers should pay for infrastructure based on how often they use it.

“I hear a lot of appetite to make sure there are sustainable funding flows,” the secretary of transportation said in March. A mileage tax shows a big promise if we believe in the so-called user-pay principle: the idea that you pay part of the way we pay for roads, based on how much you drive. ‘

The mileage tax is a relatively new idea, and as such, there remain some obstacles to becoming a reality in the short term. There are still questions about how to record the distances of individuals, how and where fees will be collected, and whether the imposition of such a tax will have an excessive impact on low-income or rural communities that rely on cars to to go to work.

Nevertheless, a tax on vehicle millions, or VMT, does enjoy dual support in the key committee for home transport and infrastructure. Both committee chairmen, Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., And rank member Sam Graves, R-Mo., Have in the past expressed support for VMT measures.

“It is very clear that we need to continue with the gas tax and diesel tax as the primary way to build infrastructure,” Graves wrote in March. “Although critics will say we are not ready for VMT, we have heard the same argument for too long. The Highway Trust Fund is still losing more revenue because not all users pay their fair share, given increased fuel efficiency and electric vehicle technology.”

Monetization of the electrical network

Fratto suggested that the federal government could tax Americans’ electricity consumption because a larger percentage of the U.S. population is switching to electric vehicles.

This can take the form of using home networks or fees charged at charging stations such as a gas tax for petroleum powered cars. This could be an attractive option in the future, Fratto said, as utilities have already put in place and installed ways to keep up and pay for the energy each household consumes.

“There are quite a few other usage fees for all of these systems that we can use, including the electricity sector,” the former treasury official said. “We could reduce the amount of use of the network to repay the federal government for its investment in those areas.”

“You can easily charge a fee that power companies have to pay, and the same goes for the availability of electricity,” he added.

Smaller increase in corporate tax

Ultimately, the dependence on Biden’s plan and the extent to which he relies on a tax increase on companies will depend on how much he wants to give support to a Republican Party that is appealing to him to reduce his ambitions and focus on ‘ n closer package. to $ 600 billion.

The President and the Democratic leadership in Congress could choose to use the conciliation process, just as for the Covid Enlightenment Bill, which would enable them to pass legislation by a simple majority in the equally divided Senate.

In that case, Biden would be able to circumvent Republican objections, and he would largely play for an audience in the Senate – Joe Manchin.

Although the Conservative Democrat in West Virginia opposes raising the corporate rate to 28%, he may be willing to meet Biden in the middle.

“Since the bill exists today, it needs to be changed,” Manchin told Hoppy Kercheval, host of West Virginia Metro News’ “Talkline” program. “I think [the corporate rate] should never be less than 25%, that is the global average. And that’s what every corporation would have told you was fair. ‘
