Biden, Harris to speak from Lincoln Memorial on lives lost to Covid-19

WASHINGTON – On the eve of their inauguration, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will speak Tuesday at the Lincoln Memorial Reflection Pool in Washington, DC to honor the lives lost in Covid-19.

Their remarks will come a day before the inauguration at 12 o’clock ET on the west side of the American Capitol.

The biggest challenge for the Biden administration is to address the coronavirus pandemic during the worst period and to distribute vaccines nationwide. The president-elect last week drew up a comprehensive plan to get shots in the arms to stem the spread of Covid.

Overnight, the U.S. surpassed 400,000 deaths from Covid-19, according to an NBC News report. As of early Tuesday morning, the U.S. had reported 400,103 coronavirus-related deaths and 24,177,574 cases. Over the past two weeks, an average of 3,286 people in the United States have been dying from the disease every day.

President Donald Trump has no public events on his roster on Tuesday, his last full day in office. Vice President Mike Pence will lead his last full day in office to lead a Covid-19 task force meeting in the Situation Room in the White House.
