Biden finds out that Trump is receiving intelligence from his ‘erratic’ actor

Washington, United States.

El presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, affirmó este end de semana que su predecesor, Donald Trump, what is the hope of a political juicio en el Senado accused of instigar un ataque al Capitolio, no deberia recibir lig de classified intelligence, as usual with the exmandatarios.

“Vereenfaldig creo que hay necesidad de que tenga los intelligence information. What value does love have? intelligence information? What impact does it have, apart from what you can say something? “, dijo Biden in an interview with CBS Evening News.

The new Democratic president quoted the “erratic behavior” de Trump en relation to the insurrection of January 6, when the accusation of following his followers to the Congress to prevent the legislators from certifying the electoral victory of Biden.

Trump urges durante semanas en que le habían robado las elecciones, a pesar de abrumadoras evidencias que lo desmentíany perder decades of legal proceedings.

Mientras estaba en la White House, Trump constant preoccupation with the agencies of intelligence.

In May 2017, Según said, classified information compartment in a meeting with the Minister of External Relations and the Russian Ambassador.

Vea: Who is who in the political juice against Trump

También question publicly informs los estadounidense intelligence services según los cuales Russiainterviewed in the 2016 elections.

The President has been accused by the Chamber of Representatives of inciting the insurrection in the Capitol, die dej cinco muertos, y enfrentará a juice in the Senado the next week.

Off United States, the ex-presidents tienen traditionally derecho to receive intelligence, but many critics of Trump he expressed times that the Republican magnate can filter vital information for the national security.
