Biden elige to a jefe polities anti Trump to resguardar frontera de EEUU

Washington, United States.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, announce this moon to its elites to occupy its shores in the Department of National Security (DHS, in English), between those who hay a police officer and an activist who, to be confirmed by the Senado, is facing the front of key migratory agencies.

To direct the Office of Aduanas and Frontier Protection (CBP, in English), Biden seleccionó al jefe de la Tucson Police (Arizona), Chris Magnus, muy critical with the migratory media of the Gobierno of Donald Trump.

To be ratified in the West, Magnus is converted into the commission of the agency charged by the vigilance of the fronts del país.

If it is confirmed as a commission by the CBP, it tends to confront the reto de manejar loose record numbers de undocumented migrants, between those who have many menores de edad no acompañados, he crossed the line from Mexico andn las últimas semanas.

Check out The New York Times, see this viral photo Magnus –which is white-collar police uniform and a cartel of Black lives matter (imported blacks) during a protest in Richmond (California) and 2014.

For another store, there is no account of controversies, it was in June that the intention was to diminish -although his resignation was rejected- after the death in april of hispano Carlos Ingram López, when was moved by agents off Tucson.

Find out more about Biden and its activists Ur Mendoza Jaddou, Iraqi father and Mexican mother, whom the president wants to direct the EU Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS, in English), the agency that manages the migratory system and the processes of naturalization, following a communication from Casa Blanca.

Mendoza Jaddou is currently the director of DHS Watch, a project of the America’s Voice group, which subscribes to a migration reform, and has experience in the past in USCIS, donde ha trabajado en sus Legal services.

Vea: Versag ‘n police for violent detention of Latino military in EEUU

Asimismo, Biden nominated veteran of the Armored Forces John Tien, as DHS Subscriber; a Jen Easterly, as director of the Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Agency; a Jonathan Meyer, as the legal manager of DHS, and Robert Silvers, as the secretary to Strategy, Politics and Plansón.

In a communication, the secretary of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, subgrades “the deep experience” of these professionals in their ambitions.

“Juntos ayudarán a progress in the mission of the Department of National Security to guarantee equality and security del pueblo estadounidense“, indicates. EFE
