Biden dice that vacated 1.5 million people in EE.UU. by day

(CNN) – President Joe Biden says he hopes that the United States will be able to evacuate 1.5 million people a day, raising the list to approximately 500,000 more than its target of 1 million a day for its first 100 days in the cargo area. Dijo que Estados Unidos podría superat ese objective jinas unes tres semanes.

“I am quite sure that within the next three weeks we will be in vacant person conditions at a rate of one million per day or more”, the periodicals say, referring to 100 million doses, not necessarily 100 million of persons, some of the vacancies require more than one injection.

Biden says that the key factors to increase the number of vacancies are sufficient vacancies, tenants are sufficient jeringas and other necessary teams and tenants are administrative people. Dijo that his administration is working to produce additional vacancies, people who can administer the vacancy.

“Creo que, como dice el viejo refran, con la gracia de Dios, la buena voluntead del vecino y el riachuelo vecino que no desborde, creo que podemos llegar a 1.5 millones al día, en lugar de un million a dia» , dijo Biden.

Poco after the information session of Biden, an official of the Casa Blanca told CNN that the official goal of the administration is to see 100 million vacancy injections in his first 100 days in the cargo area.

These are the vacancies and variants of the covid-19 2:28

It is an objective that Casa Blanca should always be considered “ambitious, percussive”, the official said, but also anticipates that many things could go unnoticed by nature due to the pandemic. Without embarrassment, the official said that the hope now would surpass this original 100 million vacancy injections in the first 100 days.

To describe ‘n Biden as “optimistic”, the official also said that the president was pressuring him to work for the coveted to be able to advance more than his initial target of 100 million vacancies in 100 days.

Manufacturers of vaccines against coronavirus piden most time

The Biden announcement produces the same day as the Pfizer and Modern day workers that the time will increase the manufacture of their vacancies.

El Dr. Stephen Hoge, President of Modernity, says that car manufacturers have an obligation to maintain quality and consistency while increasing capacity.

“It’s frustrating to amplify,” said Hoge.

The increase in vacancies does not necessarily translate into the objective chronogram for obtaining vacancies for any person designated in the United States.

Biden says that he wants to see if he wants a vaccine that can be obtained in the first place, a limit similar to the one established by the Trump administration.

Biden’s compromise to increase the number of vacancies against coronavirus is included in a larger list of discussed cases in the White House to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

The first Biden decisions as president of EE.UU. 1:52

There is a vacancy in some places of EE.UU.

Biden has issued a presidential proclamation on these lanes, restraining the travel tax imposed on the pandemic by covid-19 for women traveling to the United States from the Schengen area in Europe, as well as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil and South Africa.

And to talk to the reporters, Biden also refers to the importance of creating a forum where the stadiums can be presented, make files and receive their vacancies without having to file files during hours, power up the phone, call the pharmacy and other in the list ».

But the new efforts are being made through a constant confusion and urgent preoccupations with different states regarding the summit and distribution of the vaccine against the coronavirus of the country.

On Monday, the New York City Health Commissioner, David Chokshi, told CNN that the city had “no dose enough” of the vaccine against covid-19 in order to “satisfy the demand that we have between los neoyorquinos ».

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Florida’s capacity surpasses the vacancy rate it has administered to the federal governor. And the Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker said in a similar way that the state is “establishing the capacity to administer many more doses than those currently receiving or receiving from the federal government.”

During the last two days, Biden’s chief spokesman, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, as director of the Centers for Control and Prevention of EE.UU. (CDC), la Dra. Rochelle Walensky, dijeron que no sabían cuáles son los current levels de vacinas de vacunas contra el coronavirus. Ambas blames Trump’s governor for the problem.

As far as dealing with the moon is concerned, Biden claims that its administration knows that vacancies against coronavirus are available in the United States, without embarrassment, without revealing specific figures.

“We are optimistic that we will have sufficient vacancies. Y and muy poco tiempo. As well as, we will load the cargo without saving any vacant institutions available. Now that we are here, we have been around for a week or less, now we are, ”said Biden. “We have obtained the compromise of some of the producers that, of course, will produce more vacancies in a relatively short period of time and will continue to do so in the future.”

– MJ Lee de CNN contributes important information.
