Biden condemns a Russia on behalf of Navalny

The United States Government has announced its sanctions against Russian officials, including the Intelligence Officer, Alexandr Bórtnikov, and the opposition and incarceration of opposition leader Alexei Navalni, in the first move against the new movement. The Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, remarked in a statement that the purpose of the sanctions was to send “a clear message that the use of chemical weapons and the abuse of human rights have serious consequences”

Treated by the first sanctions imposed on Moscow on Biden’s part, which will cover the past 20 years.


With these sanctions, EE.UU. sums up the pre-emptive taxes by the European Union (EU) and compares the preoccupations with “a profundation

of authoritarianism ”in Russia, aggregated by Blinken.

In its recent participation in February at the Munich Security Conference, Biden declared that the “transatlantic alliance” between the United States and Europe “has been strong” for four years, in reference to President Donald Trump, who was apostate

by an aggressive nationalism. About Moscow, Biden warned: “Russian leaders believe that the people think that our system is the most corrupt, or that corruption as the world, but the world knows that it is not, including Russia’s proposed proposals. (President Vladímir) Putin wants to debilitate the European project and our OTAN alliance ”.

Junto a Bórtnikov, also featured in the list of cast members Igor Krasnov, the Russian fiscal general; Serguéi Kiriyenko, Deputy Chief of Staff of Putin, and Deputy Foreign Minister of Defense Russoei Alexei Krivoruchko.

As a consequence of these mediations, when the goods that could be held by the state jurisdiction are combined and the transfers financed by EE.UU entities are reviewed. Assimism imposes restrictions on Russian exports, and suspends the issuance of visas to individuals included in the list of sanctions.

Washington recalculated, in addition, that account with notify that confirms’ with

great confidence ”that Navalni was approached by intelligence agents rushed to the chemical agent Novichok.

The Russian leader, 44 years old, is currently committing a prison sentence of two years and in the middle of an antiquity case of fraud and money laundering, and his convocation provoked the finals of several multinational protests in Russia, that fueron detenidas miles of people.

More sanctions

In a telephone conference with periodicals to offer details, the Biden Governor’s Biden notes that the media subverts the tone change in Washington with respect to the Trump Administration (2017-2021).

“We are not concerned about the return, we know that the relationship will continue to be challenging (…) For that, we reserve the right to take additional steps” against Moscow, indicated in a press release at the door of the Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, to recognize that relative specific weight of the medium.

Violent people.

Joe Biden sums up his predecessors, Trump and Barack Obama (2009-2017), who also impose various rounds of economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia for actions that violate international standards, such as the annexation of Crimea, or its participation. of electoral injury in EEUU.
