Biden claims that United States has acquired sufficient vacancies against covid-19 for all North Americans | Univision Health News

The President Joe Biden It was also announced that the United States had bought 200 million doses of vacancies against covid-19 additions to those who had promised their passage. According to the announcement made by the National Institutes of Health (INH), Biden details that with this purchase, the country increases the available dose number by 50%, from 400 million doses to a total of 600 million. “We bought enough doses to evacuate all North Americans,” he assured.

“Hasta hace tres semanas, United States does not have a plan to evacuate to all countries“, afirmó Biden.” This year, we created a plan to receive 100 million extra dose of Pfizer and 100 million extra of Moderna. With this, we will provide 200 million more doses [de vacuna contra covid-19], more fast than we hope “.

Biden details that the pharmaceuticals with which he has been working have accelerated the delivery times, in the form that at least 100 million of the doses that estaban predicts to reach the June finals. for mayo fines.

With 600 million doses, the United States is committed to the need for vacancy to all its population: 328 million people, according to the Office of the United States Census Office. The vacancies have now been approved by the stadium authorities against covid-19 requiring two applications. In other words: Biden’s announcement that the country will have enough doses for vacancies to 91.4% of its population for the finals of July.

Read dose extra, no obstacle, no available intermediaries. It is believed that the actual dose escalation will continue for a short time, agreeing with the information provided by Casa Blanca and quoted by the website The Hill.

For his part, the doctor Anthony Fauci, the principal assessor of the Casa Blanca to manage the covid-19 pandemic in the United States, this month it is hoped that by April the vacancy will be unrestricted, so it is available for all.

In an interview with the NBC magazine, Fauci ensures that it is based on the probable approval of a third vacancy in addition to those available on the market: the of Modern and the Pfizer-BioNTech. También also the media of the federal governor to increase the capacity to distribute doses throughout the country, especially in cadence of pharmacies such as Walgreens y CVS.

La tercera vacuna a la que Fauci se refiere es la desarrollada por Johnson & Johnson. The company has presented a single dose vaccine, which is currently undergoing examinations for its approval by the United States authorities and has agreed to distribute 100 million doses before the first semester of this year, to be agreed with the Vox site. However, the efficiency rate that has been shown so far (66%) is significantly lower compared to 95% of Pfizer-BioNTech y al 94.1% de Modern.

‘Cuando-legue barn, casi todod podrán comenzar a vacunarse ”, afirmó Fauci. The epidemiologist, however, added that Tomará “had several months” would inject the injections into all the adults, even if it was possible for the vernacular to endure it. collective immunity, which is in line with Biden’s statements.

The news states that the United States has committed 475,000 deaths from the pandemic.

The doctor Fauci dijo also who was preoccupied with the British variant by his mayor velocidad de propagation. “The immediate notice is that the vacancies we currently have are working well against this variant,” he said.

